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Everything posted by Frez

  1. To be honest, i would like to hear some offers either here or on skype .
  2. Sorry for no updates for so long, had some irl things to do before continuing this script, in total i made like 10m in f2p already running the most simple script ever.
  3. To be honest, I'm looking for a goldfarming partner. I can offer 6 servers for botting, which ive bought few months ago. Huge botting power If you are interrested and pretty much trustworthy on osbot hit me up. Skype: Frezrs
  4. Any chance you let me use it anyways so i can test it before i purchase it?
  5. What do you mean? Did i miss it or not? Cuz i cant seem to find it in rapository
  6. Did i miss it? haha
  7. Can i try the script please?
  8. Title says it all thanks
  9. Yeah i know how long it takes to make some accounts but i dont feel like making 20 accounts or so
  10. Yeah i need accounts with tutorial done
  11. Hello, im looking to buy tutorial island accounts.
  12. Hey, I'm Mencista, people also know me as Frez and this will be my journey, my goldfarming progress This wont be the same goldfarming progress report thread as every other is What I will do is get the best private scripters to script me a method and we will be able to see how far will we get with it (Juggles, Eagle, Saiyan....) I will start with @Juggles I've bought a script from him yesterday, nothing major but its good to get us going Ofcourse my man @Lewis will supply accounts Day 1: Bought a script from Juggles for 25M Bought 50 accounts from Lewis for 5m Total expense = 30m Ran 12 accounts because script had a little problem and I managed to make 2m overnight anyway. It's a start :P Day 2: Will update tomorrow
  13. Frez


    Sometimes the easiest things are hardest to see :p thank you
  14. Frez


    Hey, i was wondering, how can i close osbot with onExit method so it can close down when script finishes?
  15. Close enough :P but what i would actually need so far that i found out is power slim sata to sata but fuck that shit wire slicing comming up :P
  16. Hello I recently purchased Dell poweredge r410 mobo and some xeons. But now that i got everything i thought its enogh to build a server i figured out i dont have any sata power connector for my hdd out of dell r410 psu and saw that i need backplane i guess, so what im wondering is could i somehow connect hdd to mobo without backplane ?
  17. i have high CPU-Usage for Clients which have runescape loaded but are not logged in (Mules). Usually interfacemode uses ~5% of my CPU. If the Bot is not logged in it uses 30%+ CPU. I have the Problem since ~1,5 weeks. Edit: The problem was on my side.
  18. From time to time Shift-Drop will select the last item instead of dropping it when using dropAllExpect(). Maybe due to lag ( i run alot of clients ).
  19. I decided to buy script anyways, didn't wanna wait too long for a trial now im getting this error :
  20. Thank you very much for this, looking forward to buying it, just wanna test your progressive leveling first :P
  21. Buying account with 60 mining, preferably rested for few days give me offers skype: frezrs
  22. Frez

    Lunar Diplomacy

    Looking to buy accounts with lunar diplomacy done looking for just lunar diplomacy, not a main skype: frezrs
  23. Can i get a trial please?
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