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Everything posted by Isolate

  1. Honestly if we need any emote it's
  2. no AIO fighters will do the trick..?
  3. Project was discontinued like a year ago
  4. Note: If they have an inventory of polypore staff 99.99% they switched to a yellow/orange kiteshield as you challenged them
  5. Steal 1 Drop 1 Is more efficient. This might never steal tea because it looks like you put all the stuff in !Area contains so when you're in that area nothing'll happen.
  6. If you wan't to keep your sanity for as long as possible I recommend going with the Enum/State skeleton/style Example: public class Enum extends Script { boolean dropping = false; private enum State{ DROP, CHOP } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { switch(getState()){ case DROP: drop(); break; case CHOP: chop(); break; } return random(100, 250); } private void drop(){ //do dropping stuff } private void chop(){ //do chopping stuff } State getState(){ if(inventory.isFull() || dropping){ return State.DROP; }else{ return State.CHOP; } } } Sure it has more base framework than the Logic loop style public class LogicLoop extends Script { boolean dropping = false; @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if(inventory.isFull() || dropping){ //do dropping stuff }else{ //do chopping stuff } return random(100,250); } } But depending on the length/complexity of your script the logic loop method can get quite messy and the Enum/State method retains neatness and easy readability.
  7. 1. The moment you leave monster area you'll stop walking. 2. if(bank.isOpen(){ //do banking }else{ bank.open(); } is prolly more secure should end this if (!inventory.contains("Lobster")&&MONSTER_AREA.contains(myPlayer())){ with an else like if (!inventory.contains("Lobster")){ //bank cheecks //walk to bank //bank ect }else{ //fighting checks //walk to fight //fight ect }
  8. depends on if it has a renew price. If it doesn't, life time of script. If it does you'll pay the init price then the renew fee monthly
  9. Well, If i hadn't missread it as "Grim fasply it" maybe I'd have a decent response.
  10. Shotput, but dunno the requirements to get there
    1. Captainjack


      That's the particular reason as to why my name is captain jack =)

    2. Isolate


      I listened to this every night waiting for your return.

    3. Captainjack


      Your prayers have been answered. Jack Bless

  11. uses bank.open() so any bank should work
  12. I can auth you for a trial if you wan't to give mine a whirl, nobody has used it so far so it'd be great to have some feedback
  13. http://www.sythe.org/report-scammer-archive/1861502-callmerocky-scammer-report.html @CallMeRocky
  14. final boolean AGGRESSION = false; final code never lies
  15. You need to not take things as a personal attack I showed no sign of aggression nor could you possible tell my emotional state.
  16. Disputed member: @bellic Thread Link: http://www.p****bot.org/community/topic/1214210-account-scammed-door-bellic/ Evidence: skypes match http://osbot.org/forum/topic/78260-selling-50m-07-14m/
  17. Filters Scare people. String[] foods = new String[]{"Trout", "Salmon", "Lobster", "ect"}; Item food = getInventory().getItem(foods);
  18. I enjoy how aggressive and out of hand things are getting, because you can't make a game play itself for your virtual gains.
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