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Everything posted by Isolate

  1. aren't @ threads against the rules...
  2. shame they patched that bow thing would be amazing now
  3. 1450 (damn two years later, and nowhere near the goal... pick up the SPEED)
  4. Gotta break the stigma, otherwise i have nothing to do :P
  5. I feel asthough they can't soley base a decision just off someone elses life style...
  6. well since the new mirror client apparently counts out client detection it would be mainly based of patterns, sooo....
  7. oo first mirror client ban i've heard of.
  8. Mirror client problem only, works fine in normal one
  9. Just because the words 'private script' enter a conversation does not mean money changes hands. Everyone quotes this rule in the wrong context and its becoming very annoying. You can post in the request section i guess or approach scripters and see if they're free
  10. Isolate

    Keep crashing

    I have also been experience similar things. When running OSBuddy starts at about 300mb of ram (OSBuddy client) start running mirror which begins to increase the clients ram until it gets 600mb-1gb then crashes. takes about 10-20 minutes to crash on osbuddy or webbrowser
  11. Isolate

    Won't bank.

    They stated the mirror doesnt support being started when the client is already logged in
  12. I cannot handle your avatar :') omg
  13. 2 day ban is when a in game moderator gets you isnt it?
  14. Isolate

    180x180 tile

    I always call them tiles, yes logo but I will always say tile
  15. Isolate

    180x180 tile

    Could i please get a tile for my nightmare zone script pleeeeeeeaaasssseeeee (Based off my other two would be great )
  16. Isolate


    edit: nop works 100% fine in normal client, doesnt return unless the interface is actually visible mirror still says its visible all the time i'm not using the withdrawing widget. And no in the normal client it works fine, mirror says its always visible
  17. Isolate


    ill report back in like 2 minutes
  18. Isolate


    ok. i think its 548, 120 is the input line for entering a number for smithing/withdrawing in banks ect. and when i walk near a furnace it fires as visible and i stand there spamming number out loud . I think this is the same problem banking had for a while with withdraw-x but instead of universally fixing it it appears they just have a different check for banking
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