Area example = new Area(new Position(0,0,0), new Position(0,0,0));
Position mid = example.getPositions().get((example.getPositions().size() /2));
I assume this, but never tried it
naa the mouse moves properly.
Just dunno if anyone ever reported they're checking player mouse and not bot mouse.
if you have any kind of mouse paint in onPaint you'll see it
Also having this Issue. Won't add in my IDE as a library either, downloaded via autoupdated or website same issue. Re-downloading about 8 times didn't fix
because it's one of those things that is great do,
and gives a false pretense to all those that buy it that they'll get mad gainz yo.
but the moment more people start doing it, it becomes useless.
Also i have no idea what pretense means
Do you have a weekly reminder to make these?