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Everything posted by Realist

  1. @Volta! congrats! was funny af lmfao.
  2. what happened now? i really like her!
  3. going to university to study international business management in september
  4. mate, i had the biggest hearttack outta everyone, was xferring shit to my mule and i get connection lost i was like
  5. nah, rs servers are shit, i had the same heartatack as you did so dw lol
  6. l000000000l make more please l000000000l make more please
  7. zahon has just pmed me on skype 'are you from osbot or visionary or what' so basically i think he's gna try and scam quit.
  8. Realist


    i remember you ;)
  9. that's only for randoms like maze, freaky forester etc..
  10. ? are randoms not arguably one of the most important functions of a bot client? i've personally seen my bots being stuck in a maze for 15 hours, teleported and stuck in lumbridge cellar/wizard tower for 7 hours and you're complaining that i'm trying to get something done about it? c'mon man. the reason i'm crusading for someone to get their finger out their ass is because i can imagine why people are leaving this bot considering the terrible state of randoms and i don't want people to leave, so pls stop attacking me for speaking up, instead go pm some devs. and btw, for some randoms it's almost impossible to get 'stuck in' you can't get 'stuck in' the miles/giles/niles random, drunken dwarf, strange plant, etc etc..
  11. great idea, support. however, the implementation of this would be questionable and will probably take a year to implement considering randoms have been broken for 3 months, and counting.
  12. fix the random events, then 'promote more free scripts and stuff'
  13. i personally liked the meme, thanks for the contribution
  14. my account being in the maze random for 10 hours, not touching the shrine. oh and then once i get it out, i find out it's died to a random before that, great! how's everyone else?
  15. #1 because the colors on #2 are very annoying
  16. Realist


    another man down.. damn bro cya
  17. Realist


    tl;dr you were botting f2p and you were surprised to get almost insta-banned? really?
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