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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Realist

  1. why buy $100 donor then go on holidayy
  2. enough commotion tbh, get a perm ban on the annoying guy and move on
  3. just keep him banned lol we don't want scammers roaming around our community anymore, especially ones that are given CBA >.<
  4. for me, ban rates are high because none of the randoms work for me leading to the bots always messing up which is why i think i keep getting bans..
  5. divorce in 1-3 years after first baby guaranteed.
  6. nice man, will give this a try
  7. i'd dispute #1 but the rest were on point.
  8. imo due to there being a lack of updates for the client
  9. does this kind of stuff grind everyone's gears or just mine? loss instead of lose like gett it together
  10. very bad from a business pov lmao, so you're saying because they're devs and not gm's they shouldn't have to look at their own forums? i have no words.
  11. Realist


    been botting chaos druids 3 weeks straight
  12. so do you goldfarm anymore then? so do you goldfarm anymore then?
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