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Everything posted by FushigiBot

  1. Delete all versions of java. Download and install this offline installer: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp Run the jar.
  2. Create a loot area. Use these checks to turn on a boolean like in the example Chris wrote above: if item exists over X gp in area (Turn boolean on) if item does not exist over X gp in area or if player isnt in are (turn boolean off) when the boolean for "should loot" checks true, use the following action loot all items above x gp in area
  3. All the launcher is going to do is, well, that: Launch the clients. That can easily be spoofed. It will become a problem if they change the way we create accounts and log into the game, though.
  4. Uninstall all versions of java and download/install the offline installer: https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
  5. Welcome. There are no shortcuts to botting. The learning curve can be steep. Buying gp is pretty straightforward, though.
  6. Link has a space. Browsers automatically add % to spaces. Here is the working link: https://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot%2.6.61.jar
  7. There are some differences between mirror and stealth. The amount of RAM will depend on scripts. CPU usage will be similar across modes, regardless of script. Mirror: About 1GB ram per client. 12 - 18 client limit per cpu dye. Stealth: 500MB - 800MB ram per client. No limit on cpu dye, but 1 thread per client as a general rule. Power draw will depend on your system. I use low powered PCs that can run about 10 mirror bots or 20 stealth bots.
  8. Stealth works well as well now. Get good, residential proxies if not botting on home ip. Research a profitable method/strategy and get some scripts for it.
  9. 1. Uninstall all versions of java. 2. Download the offline java installer for your system here https://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp 3. Go to the Scripts section in OSBot and purchase/add scripts here https://osbot.org/mvc/sdn2/scripts/ 4. Download OSBot here https://osbot.org/mvc/get 5. Open OSBot, login, add an account. 6. Configure breaks. 7. Select the account you wish to start and the script. Launch it.
  10. Join Czar's discord to get support for his scripts.
  11. Whether is worth it for you or not, I can't say. Will you get banned? Yes. All I can say is that I do make a lot of money of it.
  12. I got to spend time with my parents, whom I had not seen in 5 years.
  13. I'd thought I'd chip in on the Runelite suggestion. I'd argue that being able to hook into Runelite would help a lot in general for a couple reasons. -The (not so) recent implementation of 3pc bans makes it clear that Jagex can see which client you're playing on. Nobody I know uses the vanilla client, so being able to hook to Runelite could help with profiling. -The other is that, for some reason, the vanilla client has a soft cap as to how many clients you can have open. Even if you aren't using all PC resources (cpu, ram, disk, etc.) it still slows down the pcs after *insert arbitrary amount depending on pc specs* vanilla clients are open. I haven't seen this on runelite nor OSBot's injection. You can open as many clients as your pc resources allow. I do agree that communication channels could be playing a role in the dwindling of userbase. More importantly, OSBot needs to become more competitive by prioritizing issues that focuses on detection/banrates. I have personally seen people move away from it and because they are having more success with other options.
  14. I get this shit all the time on my username accounts. Dont know what causes it. Doesnt happen on email accounts.
  15. If you can prove the guy is doing legit business elsewhere, like osbot or other popular runescape websites, you can report him/her in those.
  16. Windows now automatically installs OneDrive and even forces some of the folders to go there. Don't worry about it.
  17. It hasn't changed afaik, except for pcs that have One Drive, in which case it will sometimes save it inside that folder.
  18. The combination of a vpn, stealth injection, and current banwaves got you banned.
  19. Just to put it out there, the bans are not limited to OSBot. Everytime I hear of these bans, they also happen in the other two major clients. However, an important piece of information is that merely logging (with mirror) and playing manually is getting some people banned.
  20. +1 Im down to 80 accs from 160. Simply logging into mirror and walking to a highly botted area has gotten some of my accs banned.
  21. Client of Kourend - This only happens sometimes. During the last part of the quest, the bot teleports to Falador and rather than webwalk to Veos first, it tries to interact with Veos at the Falador teleport spot. I had this issue before. Running it a second time fixed the issue.
  22. Background Currently, Sleep until supports one method on top of the time. Eg. Sleep for 5000 or until it reaches area A This sleep will break when either 5000ms have passed or when the bot is in area A. Why is this useful? One can set multiple conditions for the sleep to break where needed. It also helps with efficiency for when the API miss-clicks and the action fails, or when you want to cancel an ongoing action based on another condition. How can it be used? Abyss Runecrafting - One can set a sleep when interacting with the obstacles that breaks when one of these conditions have been met: 1. Time has passed 2. The bot reaches the area upstairs 2. The hp drops below 20 points. Combat - One can set a sleep when attacking the npc that breaks when 1. The time has passed 2. The bot is in combat 3. The onMessage "Another player is fighting that" shows.
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