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Everything posted by bullNbonez123

  1. hey dude want to buy slayer script would love to trail it for cuple hours first tho . thank you !

    1. Laurow


      Hi, I don't have a slayer script, ask for a trial on one of the slayer scripts in the SDN :)

  2. hmu with prices n stats discord Jay1098#8012
  3. does it have cli settings to save and use inside manager? if so il buy today
  5. people its okay bought 3 now 14m each
  6. pay half that for them ready done pal sorry
  7. need 3 gracefull accounts if decent and good price will take more need today Jay1098#8012
  8. have trail before purchase , want to make few mining bots ,
  9. need few tut acc's made on proxy i supply , Jay1098#8012
  10. Jay1098#8012 hit me on discord asap
  11. need acc with tower of life done also needs ardy cloak , hit me up Jay1098#8012 needs to have some sort of meele stats
  12. buying 3 vorkath acc's ready to play str8 away hit me up discord or pm Jay1098#8012
  13. have hcim with firemaking pet at 94fm ..... 20m no bans no nothing loot still all on account
  14. looking for any account with hard wildly diarys done jay098#8012
  15. just price check hcim 91fm with pet , could get 99 also
  16. bullNbonez123


    looking for someone to do bone v , have all req , stats , quests , kudos , only bone v quest
  17. mate whats going on with your zulrah script ? 10 attempts 10 deaths ,using trident sea's with 81mage,mystic blowpipe runedarts blessed d hide .................im losing money on supplys lol hows this poosible with ur script

    1. Fruity


      Morning, please contact me on discord if you have not already, ill see if i can find out whats going on. Will need to know the cause of the deaths so i can investigate further.


  18. hit me up with any thing u have will allways buy if i can make use hit me up on discord jay098#8012
  19. pm me or hit me on discord after any random stats accounts or f2p pker jay098#8012
  20. any trail? cheers purchased few of your scripts
  21. lmaoo this one ? there the only 3 scripts i dont not own already xDD
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