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Everything posted by bullNbonez123

  1. if wanted botted id do myself !!
  2. dont let him charge u 20-30m thats madnes
  3. Animal Magnetism Death to the Dorgeshuun Desert Treasure Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains, Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen, Acess to fairy teles Fight Arena Ghosts Ahoy Grand Tree, The Heroes ' Quest Horror from the Deep Lost City Lunar Diplomacy Monkey Madness Mountain Daughter Nature Spirit Recipe for Disaster Shilo Village Tears of Guthix Tree Gnome Village Waterfall Quest Dragon Slayer LET ME KNOW ALL REQ AND PRICE OR SIMPLY ADD ON DISCORD jay098#8012
  4. can add on discord to speak about it , jay098#8012 lots very easy
  5. thats okay i would take 45m for the both tbh if anyone intrested
  6. i should have a name like yous ffs im new to all this stil working out how to few things l0l XD
  7. 1 acc with 50 \ 63 \ 40 1 acc 10 att 65 str 31pray 65 hunter
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