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Everything posted by bullNbonez123

  1. buying random accounts / junk / old / ANY PLEASE JUST ADD ME ON DISCORD WITH STATS AND PRICE , BUYING ALOT !!! jay098#8012
  2. hey can i try the trail please
  3. need bone voyage done on 2 accounts ... hit me up asap ....discord is jay098#8012 starting night shift soon need set farm up before work .... asappp...
  4. please dm me pricing n ready to pay now ...
  5. looking for 1 asap hit me up
  6. after 3 accounts with 40def 40+ range , please dm me info and prices
  7. can you run this script with a hub manger etc to have numerous account running thanks
  8. ty i would be happy with around 100m ...if any body intrested please let me know ty
  9. basically maxed zerker , will have to set email on 61att 99str 44def 95hp 99range 55pray 94magic ..... 50con 56agil 77fletch 70cook 61craft quests done death plateau deasert treasure fairy tale 1 and started 2 for acess to rings horror from deep done all zulrah quests mith gloves , can update to rune for extra firecape looking for price check as looking for qwick sale got 1-2m wealth aswell ...as well as 7 or 9 menbership
  10. started regicide quest got stuck because guard de spawned name ur price no messing ?
  11. ready pay upfront need 2 accounts asap jay098#8012
  12. need 3 throw away acount nothinf special please leave commnet or inbox with what u have and price , thanks
  13. i have ironman 99 fm 60 agilty 75 most stats
  14. posted needed temple key , messaged me completed within hour paided half upfront half done , no messing , would recommend to anyone and will defiently use again !!

  15. looking for some1 to gain a temple key on an account for red dragons
  16. full grace full pyro d axe tome few quests done . bank vaule 11.6m few starter stats done lol 70mining 41smith 60fish 64cook 99fm 75wc 75 fletch 31 slayer 33 con 58 agli 61 att dskim 60str 50def 43pray 64 magic anyone intrested feel free message me
  17. have food runes everything to complete want doing tonight uk times ( have 9hours till im off for night ) needs to be completed within my time frame collect xp from quests no def tho will pair fair price
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