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Everything posted by botmyway

  1. Yeah imagine But honestly ive never been so much into talking at forums. and on top of that my account is few months old as well as my experience in botting with OsBot. As kid i used to run Flax bot with my cousin But no worries @Gunman here I am coming behind you and slowly gaining those posts Welcome to thread @Malcolm nice post count Guess this thread turned to virtual penis comparison
  2. Yes, thats why I prefer not to spam all around Trying to be more active and creating post that are usefull to community. I know there is other ways to sell accounts but I prefer to keep things simple and gain that 100 post limit to have all things inside OsBot community. Hope that my activity isn't looking like spam because I'm trying my best to keep things related to stuff we do here
  3. Guess this is common knowledge to old fellas but someone might find this helpful. So I have been using Googles Remote Desktop application on my phone (ios, but works with android too). Download on your computer & also to mobile from Appstore / google play. Open them and use your Gmail to logging in. Set pin/password. Recommended to start your OsBot & Scripts before moving to remote since its way easier. When ever you are away from computer you can just launch the app and do some small task with it / check that everything is running smooth. Tips: Setup your windows so you got all open and easy to access. ( You cant drag the windows in application) I run bots on 2 computers and I have set the Google Remote Desktop on different emails on each computer. ( you might be able to use 1 account for multiple computers haven't tested). Swapping between Remote accounts is easy with only few clicks. This remote accessing to OsBot have been atleast for me huge help when not sure if the scripts are running perfectly or you get the feeling to stop farm but you aren't at home. I guess there is other applications to do this but I can recommend this Google Remote Desktop. Anyone else running OsBot with Remote control? Any other tips & tricks to make botting even easier and better? Feel free to share your experience so we can all help each other.
  4. I guess you have already deleted java and reinstalled? Also try to reinstall OsBot?
  5. Trying to build up that required 100 post limit to place some accounts to sale. Still don't want to spam too much on different threads. If someone else is also doing that feel free to join here with me At the moment 30% done. Feeling a bit bored too since bots running perfectly and doing their job so nothing to do here for me except watching Perhaps we could have poll here and everyone can tell Age / Gender / Current fortune made by botting?
  6. Is it really that much better to run OsBot on Runelite? Wondering what more it can give for user? Since botting 99% of activities I dont see anything usefull on that? Or does it take less resources to run bots via runelite than regular old school runescape?
  7. Got me 50 magic. Tested jewelery enchanting and teleporting so far seems to be working well. Only minus for UI visual side
  8. Feels bad. been there and felt that. lost 400m
  9. its the thrill of making huge amount of money or do you end up getting banned aka excitement
  10. Happy holidays! shame i gotta work all most all around the xmas and new year eve...
  11. Ohh the library was a thing here too. booking that pc for 1 hour yeah thats a thing when you are kid. you dont get into one thing since you want to do all kind of silly stuff all the time. or then you are just not doing the best method. but as kid it was more enjoying time to play than getting old and grinding and trying to max out the xp/hour
  12. Automated muling would be awesome. But seen some videos how to break it also. Actually depends on the scale of your farm. I still hand mule all my 10 accounts.
  13. Well thats nice one thing to do. unfortunetly i have my work hours and cant do more Yeah i guess im skippin the vaccine. I'm healthy and not in the risk group of getting covid. dont want any negative side effects :d Will might check these out! i started deadly class last night and it seems to be decent one
  14. botmyway

    Stealth Quester

    Did yous Stealth Quester for the first time. Did do the "The Digsite" quest and it worked perfectly already planning to do more quest with this awesome script
  15. Turning 25 years old today... time flies so fast its just crazy but gaming always have a special place in my heart I was 9 years old when I first time got introduced to Runescape. With a really little understanding of this game and English made it so slow to have progress on. Doing all kind of dumb stuff and training inefficient way but i guess we all had our first months in this game. Sadly i couldn't find my old account anymore but i remember hitting that 60 combat lvl was amazing but in reality its nothing. Years passed and i didn't play that much Runescape but found my way back to this game about 3-4 years ago. Having a lot more time to play, better understanding of the game, understanding English and finding Runescape wiki made things so much faster. And at this moment my hand leveled main account is around 115-120 combat with Quest cape and 99 Cooking. But as I earlier told my account got hacked and cleaned and now I'm here botting my way back. How about you guys when was your first time you played Runescape? Did you have as poor success as I did as kid?
  16. Anyone else getting enough of this sitsuation and lockdown? Sucks so much to go work - set bots - sleep - repeat. Ofc im thankful that i atleast have a job in these times. Any suggestions what to do? Good movies or series in netflix?
  17. This script just keeps rocking! first account hitting 30m fm exp soon
  18. Looking for 1x low to med lvl normal account if the price is correct. no need for quest or anything spesific. just like + 20-40 melee/hp. unregistered.
  19. This is request thread line not price check :d
  20. its about 78 m cash pile + 10 bonded accounts doing stuff. started with 1 bonded account. slowly its scaling up. @Heist
  21. botmyway


    How much would it cost to buy hardcore ironman with these specs: - Realistic name not the ones jagex gives (15 jack 12 etc.) - Hand made tutorial island - Unregistered email - Cakes banked 500-1k About tutorial island we can discuss
  22. Thanks Khaleesi! Been interesting journey so far. High hopes, tiny setbacks but even better community but still slowly making progress! Also few extreamly good scripters sharing their art of work!
  23. Hey all my name is RoastedShark and im botaholic. My journey in botting started few month ago and im still here learning and grinding. Long story short my main account got some how hacked and I lost +400m worth of stuff that I had grinded. So goal is to rebuild my bank but this is so addicting. Guess I wont stop at 400m So far I have been gold farming only but there is few accounts work in progress to go for sale. I'm always open for business ideas so hit me up! You can sometimes see me talking in osbot/ khalscript discord servers. Trying to help new guys with the knowledge I have sofar!
  24. discord me RoastedShark#5368 got one
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