Something I saw on LinkedIn:
5 reasons why the covid vaccine is ready in record time
1. This is NOT new technology, it has been researched for decades. The mRNA (e.g. Pfizer's) vaccine technology is used to treat some cancers, they've just changed it so it codes the covid spike protein.
2. The reason there isn't currently a licenced mRNA vaccine is down to the lack of a large scale medical need and therefore lack of interest to spend the vast quantity of money required to do it
3. The incomprehensible funding that's been pumped into producing a vaccine has meant that huge numbers of scientists have been working on this from around the world. Money = staff, equipment, resources, speed in research and in vaccine volunteer recruitment.
4. The vaccine has had no major issues in phase 1, 2 & 3 (some fatigue and headaches). Clinical trials are not performed by the companies that have made the vaccine. They are independent and regulated to ensure impartiality.
5. The sheer scale of the clinical trial meant the necessary efficacy and safety data was gained quickly. Usually trials have far fewer volunteers and lower disease prevalence so it takes much longer to gain enough positive cases within the placebo group and enough data about how the test group have felt after the vaccine.