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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. I get your trying to make a point but maybe pick a different analogy http://www.motorauthority.com/news/1093441_1965-ferrari-275-goes-to-auction-could-set-new-record
  2. Tried running and it took over my pc. Do not trust/10
  3. Mysteryy


    Just gotta make sure you keep your profile updated so I know the latest info about you.
  4. Racism is not a good reason. #StopTheHate
  5. Mysteryy


    It seems like you been 18 for a long time? Is this accurate?
  6. ill rip ur dik off and feed it 2 u
  7. Just use distance from the last position added. So if the player is 5 tiles away from the last position added, then add another. Something like that.
  8. Osbot Web included zeah thou
  9. Lol y u do this? Web walking thou?
  10. Like I said, a mod will remove it. Just like every annoying audio siggy before.
  11. Its still annoying and pointless. A mod will remove it, just like everyone else before you who did the same shit.
  12. Yes remove it k thx.
  13. Mysteryy


    Take the fucking audio out of your siggy. Your not the first person to do that and its annoying every time someone does. Nobody wants to hear your shit on every thread you post in.
  14. This is me being surprised that czars scripts are inefficient. Oh wait, im not.
  15. Check if the player is moving/animating. Only click if not.
  16. Did you restart your computer? Also, have you been able to run more than one script at a time lately?
  17. Are you using mirror or injection mode? I have been having some bad freezing issues on injection, havent tried mirror. I cant run more than one tab, even when allocating a larger max heap size. Its pretty annoying.
  18. Mysteryy


    Why are you using a timer like this? There is much more solid logic that you could use here.
  19. Please post these questions in the spam section next time.
  20. Dont really want everyone on osbot to know where i work and what I do. The company name is enough sharing for me :P
  21. TI is a semiconductor company. They make chips for various applications. Their parts are used in tons of products, that is where most of their business is.
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