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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. Ah yea, I misunderstood the post I think. You are right, rs07 should use virtually no gpu. The gui for osb 2 could be eating up some gpu. That is all that I can think of.
  2. If a graphics card is installed, it will take over. You cant use a graphics card and integrated graphics in tandem, so the card will be doing all of the work. Correct me if I am wrong. :P
  3. Ask yourself, does the game have graphics? Answer: Yes What further explanation do you need? OSB is a graphical user interface, hence it uses graphic processing power. When you have a graphics card installed, your integrated graphics is useless, and your card will take over. Thus your graphics card is doing all of the work. This isn't a surprise that your card usage is going up.
  4. I too enjoy getting kicked from the chat room after 100 miliseconds. Or you can change that .1 to a 999999999 and actually do something effective. Also, no need for ctrl + shift + j. Just type in "javascript:enter command here" on the url bar and press enter.
  5. Second try, I would go again but I don't want to shame you all too bad. Game so easy make you wanna slap yo momma. xD First try I had 3 because i had no idea what I was doing, second try 499 because I got too balsy and messed up. t.t haha
  6. So what you are saying is that when you do the mining animation, then it stops for a second between animations, and the script clicks the rock again even though it doesnt need to click the rock because you are still mining correct?
  7. What are you trying to do? Do you not understand the code here, or what is the issue? With those two conditional statements, any time that your player is not doing anything, and not moving, that //click code will execute. What are you wanting it to do? Let me know so I can help you out. ^_^
  8. The download link you provided is the wrong link. I believe the link you meant to put there is: http://osbot.org/osbot2_beta/OSBot-packed-2.1.15.jar ^_^
  9. Open cmd prompt, type in "cd Desktop" and press enter, assuming OSBot is on your desktop. From there type in "java -jar OSBot.jar" and press enter. Osbot v2 will then open the launcher window. When that pops up, select debug mode and press launch. All of the debug info will be displayed on the cmd prompt window after that. Let me know if you need any more help. ^_^
  10. You can check on some websites that have the item IDs, or if you wish to view it on the client you can do that as well. If you are using OSB v2 simply right click on the cog on the upper right hand corner, select inventory debug, then hover over the item in your inventory to view information about that item. The item id will be displayed.
  11. 1) You have wayy too many loops in loops. You are setting yourself up to be hit by errors. Try removing all of your while loops and using if statements. It is bad practice to use while loops in scripting. If you stop a script, its possible that the while loop can get stuck and keep executing even after stopping. 2) Where exactly does the error occur? 3) What is it supposed to do that it isnt doing properly? Always give as many details as you can when asking for help so we can try and assist you better. ^_^
  12. Care to specify what version of OSB you are using?
  13. You mean you want to make an event listener, or you are trying to send a mouse click event to the client?
  14. Mysteryy


    Hm you do seem familiar. Maybe we met once or twice. xD
  15. Mysteryy


    Just some conflicts between me and other staff. We have worked everything out, it wasn't anything bad. ^_^
  16. Mysteryy


    Well if I decide to remake it now it will be so much faster and better haha
  17. Mysteryy


    Hey guys. Some of you may remember me, its been a while. For those of you that do remember me, yes I am making a woodcutter again for osbot 2. xD
  18. Mysteryy


    Are you 99 magic? If so, did you bot 99 magic or train legit?
  19. Looks like you could use a directed graph with each edge having a weight. Then compute the shortest path to a node T containing the total flow that you want to have, and that path would be the steps needed to get to T capacity. Not sure, im trying to study for my finals also, so just briefly skimmed over it. :P
  20. Looks good. I will be joining when I get home. I hope others join as well. ^_^
  21. This would be a great idea. Democracy is something that keeps the people more happy than dictatorship. ^_^
  22. Almost 100% sure this doesn't apply to oldschool
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