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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. Big vouch for iGFX, he made me a really cool siggy! Thanks man. ^_^
  2. At least someone thinks im a good candidate for staff. I wouldn't mind helping out wherever help is needed.
  3. Just needed this for feedback. Deal is closed. :P
  4. support. Its kinda upsetting..
  5. Why am I an SDN scripter, but im not in the group.
  6. Mysteryy


    Hes reading it so he knows to make you admin.
  7. Mysteryy


    Gh0st for admin 2014. OPEN THE POLLS! Lolol
  8. So im starting to think that admins should take this thread more seriously. Almost all moderators have resigned, and they are running low on staff.
  9. Wow I'm shocked to see my name on there without requesting it. I'm glad some people like the work that I do here. ^_^
  10. It did not appear in your bot client? Have you bought scripts before?
  11. Lol what? Banned for posting what you posted? That means you should be banned too?
  12. Im gonna message admins asking to be promoted. These people have got to be controlled.. lol Message the admins and ask them to promote Mysteryy to chatbox assistant if you support this. ^_^
  13. Ok so my assignment is to make a calculator, that given input from a textfile, will determine what I am to calculate. I am then to make a program that decodes the instruction, and runs the proper calculation according to the input. I am not having trouble loading the input or anything, I am having a problem where, every one of my functions runs regardless. So when I try to add something, it gets added, subtracted, and multiplied, etc. Here is my current code: .globl _start @ error code values @ you can easily load these like: mov r0,#ERR_OP_UNDEFINED .equ ERR_NONE, 0x00000000 .equ ERR_OP_UNDEFINED, 0x00000001 .equ ERR_OP_OVERFLOW, 0x00000002 .equ ERR_OP_DIV_BY_ZERO, 0x00000003 _start: @ set up r0 with _operandA @ for example: @ldr r3,=_operandA @ldr r0,[r3] @ r0 := mem[r3] ldr r3,=_operandA ldr r0,[r3] @ r0 := mem[r3]=operandA r0 contains the first variable ldr r3,=_operandB ldr r1,[r3] @ r1 := mem[r3]=operandB r1 contains the second ldr r3,=_operation ldr r2,[r3] @ r2 :=mem[r3]=operation r2 contains the number corresponding to the operation I am supposed to execute all of these load properly @ modify appropriately based on input arguments (e.g., decode _operation) @These compare statements are what im not quite understanding correctly... @Why the hell do they all execute, when only one of them should... @note I am requred to use bl cmpeq r2,#1 mov r8,#5 @test this compare bl executeAdd cmpeq r2, #2 mov r9,#6 @test this compare bl executeSubtract cmpeq r2, #3 mov r10,#7 @test this compare bl executeMultiply cmpeq r2, #4 mov r11,#8 @test this compare bl executeDivide cmpeq r2, #5 mov r12,#9 @test this compare bl executeNegate @the instructor added this here and it is required to be here iloop: b iloop @ leave this infinite loop at the end of your program (needed for grading) @ write execution procedures here: @ I started by writing the first 3 @ Note I am required to use bx lr at the end of the procedure executeAdd: cmp r2,#1 mov r4,#0 add r4,r0,r1 @ r4 := r0+r1 mov r2,#99 bx lr executeSubtract: mov r5,#0 sub r5,r0,r1 @ r5 := r0-r1 mov r2,#99 bx lr executeMultiply: mov r6,#8 mul r6,r0,r1 @r6 := r0*r1 mov r2,#99 bx lr executeDivide: mov r2,#99 bx lr executeNegate: mov r2,#99 bx lr stop: end @ write error handling procedures here: @ NOTE: you'll want to use the stack here, since these handlers may be called from other functions (e.g., handleDivByZero will be called by executeDivide) handleUndefined: bx lr handleOverflow: bx lr handleDivByZero: bx lr And here is my resulting output to the registers after I am finished: http://gyazo.com/3d168de21ddb6a6b9171d70261810303 I placed 5,6,7,8 in registers 8,9,10,11,12 in order to test the compare statement, and they all execute..
  14. Well, good thing the client just insta closes.
  15. This is so true! Pick up your bloody game OSBot!! I know your working on OSBot2 and I understand that. However it is no reason to take this long in updating the client. Sure, 10 hours would be acceptable. But over 24? Something needs to change. And the lack of support and replies we are getting from admins and devs just shows how much needs to change. I mean, there hasn't even been an announcement by an admin or dev MENTIONING the downtime. This is ridiculous. OSBot 2 is not even the reason they haven't updated hooks. I am willing to bet they just don't care enough to spend 10 minutes updating the damn client.
  16. Please paste your code in paste bin and post the link. This is unreadable.
  17. Support. Scripters are the backbone of OSBot. ^_^
  18. Notice how everyone said that this is easy, but not a single person posted their source code, because nobody made it. Not saying its difficult, just saying. And trust me, if this was a university level assignment, you are at the wrong school. I think i had harder things than this in freshmen intro classes. Actually I think I did an assignment very similar to this freshmen year in python.. lol
  19. Oh goodness, dont sell out to him, we cant let him monopolize the script generators...
  20. Dash got butthurt over this script. He tried to get staff to shutdown development of this. Lolol
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