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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. Pls I don't half ass stuff. My enum contains both .getArea and getCentralTile. :p You don't have to lift a finger bb
  2. Any specific areas you were looking for? Just so I can make sure they are in it. I need to get them all anyway and I already started a enum for it.
  3. I got you bro. Working atm but I'll give you one tonight or tom.
  4. And you tried killing all java processes/rebooting you pc?
  5. Who will be the star of the series?
  6. Haha. We need a title of wer gonna be soap stars.
  7. Who was it that called us a soap opera? Lul
  8. RS made randoms optional now. If you ignore them, nothing will happen.
  9. I did not use any predefined frameworks. I made all of the communication and cross network interactions myself.
  10. The first picture the gui didn't have a title, then I realized that I forgot and added it in last night. The second picture has one. The title is the version number and the user that is logged on to the client. Second picture:
  11. Edited the title to say what user you are logged in as. Also added a safeguard from 2 people using the same username. (edited the picture) Any other suggestions so far?
  12. Since last semester ended, I have been working on a little project for a couple of weeks to learn and have some fun. I didnt actually intend to add it to the osbot client, I just started it as a separate project. Yesterday I decided I would add it on to the client for fun. Basically I wrote a server application in java, its hosted on a remote host. Anyone who has the client application can connect to the server. This is just a beta stage still, but its coming along nicely (in my opinion). It will keep track of online users etc. When you type '/online' it will print out a list of online users, as you can see in that image. It just pulls your username from the osb client and logs you on to the chat as that user. Current commands: '/online' - Prints the current online users. '/clear' - Clears all of the previous chat history from your client. What do you guys think? Would this be cool to add on to the client/scripts, or would it just be annoying if it poped up? Of course there could be an option when you run the script to connect or not.
  13. This is very cool indeed. As an engineer I have wanted one of these for a while, but haven't brought myself to buy it. I will get one one day when I go on a buying spree. :P
  14. Is there a pool in that picture? Must have missed it.
  15. If calc is your hardest class you don't have it too bad yet. Just wait until later when calculus is the easiest part of any problem. :P Are you in uni? If so what major?
  16. lol why would u do that http://gizmodo.com/dont-put-ios-8-on-your-iphone-4s-1635763610?utm_campaign=socialflow_gizmodo_facebook&utm_source=gizmodo_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  17. ios sucks? No way. Sarcasm. Har har
  18. By your logic we don't even need dictionaries. Why should we ever look at a dictionary? Why not just magically know every word ever naturally? We need to learn somewhere, typically by making relations, which is exactly what he did.
  19. If you look at his comments, they say inclusive and exclusive. The way he did it is better than saying only inclusive and exclusive, because now people can look at his comments and make the connection to the method itsself. From that they can get that allow means inclusive and allow' would be non inclusive.
  20. Im digging that UI. What kind of approach did you take to make that? ^_^
  21. Yea I just dont have that kind of time though. ^_^ Yea, it depends on what class its for I think. Most of my engineering classes that require reports don't care about length. Its just like cover A, B, C and D, they don't care how long it takes you to explain it. Short is better a lot of times lol.
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