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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. I see you bro i see u
  2. Check for the specific interface and see if its open.
  3. It runs a linux distribution developed by the raspberry pi foundation. You can look up videos about it being used as a streaming device. Its a pretty common use I believe.
  4. Yea in my scripts I have a multithreaded animation listener. At any time I can get the time since the player last animated.
  5. Put simply its just a micro computer. The rpi has a desktop environment and can be connected to a display via hdmi. It has very low power usage, and i believe its roughly 800 MHz clock speed with 512 MB of ram. Many people use them for dedicated media streaming.
  6. Oh haha. Well you could always get a raspberry pi for 35 bucks. Many people use those for video streaming, they can stream hdmi output at decent rates I believe.
  7. Plug it in and find out. Worst that can happen is it doesnt work. :P
  8. Did you try logging in before you start the script?
  9. What you posted wont even paint anything. It looks like you had the right idea, but the syntax wasnt there.
  10. Ill hint what you need to do, you will have to put in the effort of coding it. -When the mouse is clicked, check if the mouse is in the paint area. -If the mouse is in the paint area, update the x, y values of the paint to the mouse x, y coordinates (in the onPaint method, use variables for this). This will move the paint around to the mouse position while the mouse is being held down. -when the mouse is released, stop moving the paint. You should think of a logical way to do it before just trying to code it.
  11. http://imgur.com/FnynuaL.png
  12. You can add a check. There is a method to get your current minimap destination. For example, only click the next tile of you are < 4 tiles from the current destination. I made my own walker and used something like this in it.
  13. Mysteryy


    What am I looking at.
  14. Of course the first one spam clicks. You are telling your script to walk to x no matter what. If you added a check in there saying to only walk to x if your not already at x, then it would work. As for the second one, I'm guessing it's something with the code in the statement. Since you never post your code we can't help. ^_^
  15. case SPIN: if (!player.isAnimating()){ if (SPIN_AREA.contains(player) && (inventory.contains("Flax"))){ objects.closest("Spinning wheel").interact("Spin"); sleep(random(200,600)); Inter.interactWithChild(459, 91, "Make X"); sleep(random(1000, 1500)); RS2Interface Inter = interfaces.get(118); if (Inter.getMessage(118) != null){ keyboard.typeString("99"); sleep(random(2000,4000)); }else{ sleep(random(60000, 62000)); } } } break; Jesus i cant read OP Holy crap your sleeping for a minute l0l
  16. Not working how? Not working is pretty general and not helpful.
  17. You need to add conditionals to your code. You cant just add two lines; walkToBank bank You need to add in the proper logic to make it know when to walk to the bank and when to bank.
  18. If you are wanting to add it to the SDN look here: http://osbot.org/forum/forum/181-sdn-upload-requests/ You will need to set up a git account and then upload your source there. If you want to share it locally, you can build the jar and share a download link to the jar, or share the source code directly.
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