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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Mysteryy

  1. My opinion is 5 TeraBytes of fuck it. And yes Im serious, give or take half a TB.
  2. I tried that but alek suspended me
  3. I hope I didnt lose any postcount. I cry.
  4. tree fiddy And you have to go first
  5. loool 10 hours at chickens u know
  6. loool what does this even mean
  7. Fuk u Screw u yes i like beer In an internet argument, the other person is always wrong.
  8. Hi yes I came for the postcount is this the right place?
  9. This falls in to the purple ban zone, with 43% opacity.
  10. To be or not to be banned, that is the question: Trial run: Ps pls dont ban im not really gonna do it I luv osbot
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