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Everything posted by botimusprime
possible to add port sarim deposit box as a bank location? its very close to rimington mine
karamja boat plank broken after last update, just stands there on the boat when trying to return to bank on f2p
Now if i could only get these native clients to take a proxy on linux
mirror was my original ban a few weeks ago and i was advised against running it with mirror as it frequently errors out.
Received ban on injection today, ran it for 10 days on and off, three week old account that was rested and leveled before botting. Biggest issue for bans (and having beta testing accs last) i think is the breaks handler, as it does not seem to be responding to break settings (i could not lengthen or shorten breaks). Also the sleep handler would definitely help to mimic a real person, i know that is still in dev but i think that would lower ban rate dramatically. As is running 24/7 with 50-40 mins log outs ive gotten 3/4 accs banned both on injection and on mirror. Can the built in osbot settings override your sleep handler during beta? I think that would be a work around for sleep settings. I would like to run this for 8-10 hours a day and not have to log back in to stop it. I am unfortunately going to take my last tester offline till break settings are more flushed out. GL with development, I will keep watching the thread for updates.
That guide is for installing osrs client, were you able to make the second step and get it to attach to a mirror client for osbot, that is what people were having trouble with.
Would love to be able to save more than 1 profile!
no i use selected seeds
Please take a look at toggle deposit function for banking set up, it currently does not work.
[INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:11 AM]: interacting with patch [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:13 AM]: herb patch: Catherby [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:14 AM]: planting seed [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:14 AM]: selecting seed [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:15 AM]: herb patch: Catherby [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:15 AM]: planting seed [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:15 AM]: clicking patch [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:16 AM]: failed to click patch [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:17 AM]: herb patch: Catherby [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:17 AM]: planting seed [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:17 AM]: Limpwurt seed [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:17 AM]: restocking [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:17 AM]: restocking is disabled [INFO][Bot #1][05/21 12:46:20 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Passive Goldfarmer... Injection mode this time, possibly the same bug as reported before. End of run, it plants the final flower seed and then tries to do it again, but does not have any because it is already planted. Thought I would report since im running all injection now.
gotcha, thanks for clarifying an looking forward to the update
np i can waitz
Great, guzzling after overload is gone would add another 15 mins to most of my runs! Question still is if I want to stay at 1 HP (or near it), and the interval is set to between 2 and a 2 (or a low number), and my HP goes to 51 due to overload ending, would that not fall into the range of between 2 and 2 and not meet the guzzle requirement? That is why I tried settings with 2 to 63, so it would see the HP at 50+ and start guzzling. If this is not something that is doable that is ok, it is just a small optimization for the end of a run.
would like a trial of this when it is available, thanks!
Any settings that can get the script to rock cake down to 1 when I run out of overload? I assumed changing the eat rock cake between hp 2 and 63 (my hp is 61) would do it, but when overload ends it never attempts to guzzle down to 1 and my hp stays above the 50s. My normal settings were guzzling at 2 to 13 and work fine, but would like to optimize as I seem to waste some absorb pots some runs.
ran out before i could grab the requirements, could i get another trial? have all reqs now
Toggle deposit seems to have broken since the last updated. This makes banking from deposit boxes basically un-useable. Please take a look. Otherwise working great!
Hey could I have a trial please!
is there a way to disable plug-ins like stronghold of security? I am trying to set up a profile to safe spot a certain spot, which would be possible with the normal GUI but whenever I open it and target a stronghold mob it asks for the stronghold gui. The stronghold plug in cant safespot well from what I have seen, so is there a way to temporarily disable it so I can normally use this in stronghold w/o banking.
antipoison is not working correctly, it after the first inventory it does not deposit crafted potions back to the bank.
Trial please!
can definitely attest to mirror having issues lol. Got it to 62 farming with around 2mil profit but caught a ban just now, im assuming from the irregular log outs it was doing. Ill give it another go in non mirror mode, just thought i was being safer.