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Everything posted by botimusprime

  1. Was the option to stop a script after break removed? If so why? It was useful imo.
  2. yes it was win 7, I changed computers and it is running ok. I have run it previously on win 7 on that computer so I dont know what the issue was. I have them on win 10 machines now.
  3. script is very nice, but would be much more useable if we could save more than 1 profile and select from a dropdown
  4. running on another computer now to see if it is stable, could my crashes come from x32 java instead of x64? Id like to be stable on both pcs. Will update for pc2 to see if it freezes in the same way.
  5. this is what it looks like when it freezes computer resources were not stressed at all during this freeze
  6. there is an iron man mode, check the description, its f5 i think? also if you have x item in your bank that is required to start the quest it wont try and buy it
  7. @Token Re-running this on two accounts recently. Works fine for the first hour or two sometimes three, but I am encountering an issue where on mirror mode the osrs game goes black and doesn't recover. The mirror stays as the last screen its saw and NMZ keeps trying to play. I have not encountered this issue with any other scripts so I was wondering if you had insight. Has happened on two separate accounts now, I am in the process of trying another computer to see if that is the issue but as I said, other mirror mode scripts work fine.
  8. just tried again after a full osbot restart, still not working bug reporting is helpful, these scripts would not stay up to date without us reporting issues. Cool your jets.
  9. demon slayer still not starting, im on mirror fyi
  10. may not have restarted osbot in last hour ill give it a restart. rune mysteries worked, ill know about demon slayer in a moment
  11. this is happening on demon slayer and rune mysteries as well
  12. Hey could I try this one out too?
  13. Hey could I get a trial of this please!
  14. my banwaves came around 3 weeks running this, lemme know when you get to a month
  15. How are bans on this recently, was a bit brutal a few months ago when I was testing.
  16. Any chance we will get support for filing coal bag while the bank is open? Right now it has to close / open bank and waste a lot of clicks in the process. Game change added the ability to fill it with bank window open in one of the September updates and it would really improve bars / hour.
  17. is your bot a combat bot? the break handler can get messed up if it tries to log you out in combat, after a while it will just stop trying. if you are in combat or unable to log out, you would need some conditions on your bot to get to a safe place to let osbot log you out.
  18. Ive run for a day or two but w/o break manager the proggy gets broken up and I lost that account shortly after. Longest run was 8 hours over a weekend. Averaging 200kish with lvl 65+. Main issue with this script has been losing my accounts if I run it too often but it seems safe in 2-3 hour increments and mixing up activities after. To that guy above running in full void with a slave amulet, best of luck to you that acc would be way to expensive to risk for me here. Upside of this spot is no one will be around to report you, downside is the action is really repetitive making this a semi risky bot for accounts you care about from my experiences. Good training script if used sparingly but I have had trouble making actual money with it. Then again a friend said he runs this exclusively on one account and it has payed for itself a few times over. Might just be my bad luck.
  19. No have not tried stealth injection to see if the issue is there too, i dont trust stealth injection with my bots normally, this was a new issue that i reported a few days ago, i should have turned off special attack when i first saw it. Acc had almost two months running this script so i think this new issue caused the ban. If that is a latent issue with mirror might be a good idea to mention to people to turn off those options on mirror. i first saw and reported this bug on july 12th I have all spec attacks off at the moment as well as the special power up, but I definitely miss the extra XP that got.
  20. [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:26:41 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:26:41 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:26:46 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:26:46 AM]: enabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:26:47 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:26:47 AM]: disabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:26:47 AM]: next flick threshold: 1595248052382 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:26:54 AM]: changing window focus [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:27:25 AM]: updating context [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:27:32 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:27:32 AM]: enabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:27:33 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:27:33 AM]: disabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:27:34 AM]: next flick threshold: 1595248101230 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:27:34 AM]: changing window focus [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:21 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:21 AM]: enabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:22 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:22 AM]: disabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:22 AM]: next flick threshold: 1595248153846 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:23 AM]: changing window focus [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:32 AM]: activating power up: <col=ff9040>Power surge [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:36 AM]: walking to position: [x=8239, y=11047, z=3] [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:39 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:39 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:40 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:40 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:41 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:41 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:42 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:42 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:44 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:44 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:45 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:45 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:46 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:46 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:47 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:47 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:48 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:48 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:50 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:50 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:51 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:51 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:52 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:52 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:53 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:53 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:54 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:54 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:56 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:56 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:57 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:57 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:58 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:58 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:59 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:28:59 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:00 AM]: started overload timer at: 1595248140880 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:00 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:00 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:02 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:02 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:03 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:03 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:04 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:04 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:05 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:05 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:06 AM]: drinking overload [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:07 AM]: next overload delay: 3000 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:08 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:08 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:09 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:09 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:10 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:10 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:11 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:11 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:13 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:13 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:14 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:14 AM]: enabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:15 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:15 AM]: disabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:15 AM]: next flick threshold: 1595248193660 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:16 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:16 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:17 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:17 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:18 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:18 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:19 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:19 AM]: wielding spec weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:20 AM]: using special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:20 AM]: activating special attack [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:21 AM]: wielding main weapon [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:21 AM]: wielding: Item id: 4887, Name: Dharok's greataxe 75, Amount: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:34 AM]: changing window focus [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:54 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:54 AM]: enabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:54 AM]: flicking rapid heal [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:54 AM]: disabling quick prayer [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:55 AM]: next flick threshold: 1595248239275 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:29:55 AM]: changing window focus [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:11 AM]: activating power up: <col=ff9040>Power surge [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:16 AM]: walking to position: [x=8239, y=11047, z=3] [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: power surge started [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: power surge ended [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: power surge started [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: power surge ended [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: power surge started [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: power surge ended [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: power surge started [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: Login Code: 5 [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: Connection error, attemping to reconnect... [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:21 AM]: AutoLogin cycle is now: 1 [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:36 AM]: Successfully logged in, waiting for welcome screen. [DEBUG][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:56 AM]: Login Code: 4 [ERROR][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:56 AM]: Your account has been disabled, stopping script. [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:56 AM]: Terminating script Stealth NMZ... [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:56 AM]: exiting script [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:56 AM]: changing window title [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:56 AM]: exited script [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:56 AM]: Script Stealth NMZ has exited! [INFO][Bot #1][07/20 08:30:57 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login same error, lost a to it 99 :(. please look at it or should i just avoid spec attack?
  21. Could i get a trial please? Also does this have CLI support?
  22. any chance this will get basic cli support? Like loading a profile and starting would be basic enough. Some nice automation tools have come out.
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