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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Delision

  1. Apologies if you've tried this already, but I've had this issue once or twice and a restart of my computer was able to fix the issue for me.
  2. Hey guys, thanks for pointing this out. The issue was being caused by the price calculation for items that didn't have enough activity to calculate the average price. I've created a fix for this and the update will hopefully be pushed soon
  3. The times I gave are pure botting times. For the two accounts I actively play on, I don't really reduce the amount of time I bot based on how much I play normally that day. For example, I don't bot agility more than 2-3 hours a day total, regardless of whether I play normally outside that time.
  4. 10 hours a week is extremely cautious in my opinion. It really depends on what you bot. I have accounts that I bot 18 hours a day (~14 hours online, ~4 hours of breaks) for 6-7 days a week and go unbanned. Other scripts I have can only run for 1-2 hours a day or they'll get banned. Some can run for 4-5. It's heavily dependent on the popularity, intensity, and profitability of the activity.
  5. I'm guessing what happened was they caught an account that trades off gold that you bought, and when that happens I believe they look at any significant gold trade from that account and issue bans to the recipients accordingly.
  6. Nano Fruit Baskets About: This script will efficiently fill empty baskets with your desired fruit choice. Baskets of fruit are frequently used as payments to protect Trees and Fruit Trees, so there exists a good profit margin with filling the baskets with fruit. If you are patient with the buying/selling of the materials, you can make some significant profit per hour for a no-requirements activity that requires very little starting cash. Features: Fills baskets with different types of fruit for an easy, no-requirement members money making method. Estimates profit/basket for each type so you can always choose the best one for the current prices. Calculates total profit and profit per hour. Stops when out of selected fruit. Fruit options: Apples Bananas Oranges Strawberries Tomatoes Requirements: Membership. Baskets. Fruit. Recommendations: Set your bank withdraw quantity to 'All' in for the most efficient banking. Proggy: Let me know if you have any questions/feedback on the script. I'm always open to suggestions for new features and ways to improve!
  7. Here's a quick script that will execute a .jar file with administrator rights. It's a bit lengthy but it worked when I tested it. The only thing you should need to change will be the very last line where you will need to change the file path to wherever the OSBot.jar is located on your computer: @echo off :: BatchGotAdmin (Run as Admin code starts) REM --> Check for permissions >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto UACPrompt ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" :: BatchGotAdmin (Run as Admin code ends) :: Your codes should start from the following line java -jar "C:\Users\pesal\Desktop\RS\OSBot 2.6.18.jar"
  8. Glad to hear you were able to get it to work! If running it via CMD as Admin worked, I'm guessing @Gunman might be in the right idea with it being something being blocked by an antivirus or firewall. You could try disabling it or whitelisting the OSBot.jar and seeing if you can run it normally after that. Worst cast scenario, just write a .bat file to execute the .jar as administrator and use that every time
  9. I'd recommend deleting your OSBot folder in C:/Users/(yourname) and downloading a new .jar file to see if that solves the problem.
  10. Yes, they work without beating the boss. If you lose them somehow though you will then need to bring the items to the Nature Spirit once again to remake them. That being said, once you get them them the quest is pretty much over besides the boss fight which can be flinched easily, so is there a reason you don't want to finish the quest?
  11. If it's happening on every script I'm guessing one of the solvers of the client are running into an issue with one of your settings. At the bottom of the client, there's a button to Toggle the Logger. Try to post a screenshot of what that is outputting when you start a script and we might be able to help
  12. I ran into a similar issue recently. If you have some names you want to compare to player names in-game, you need to replace any spaces in your names with non-breaking spaces like this: String friend = "slayerguy 117"; friend = friend.replace(' ', '\u00A0'); Now if you make a comparison to names pulled from api.players methods your Strings should properly match with the names returned by player.getName().
  13. I had been running 6 accounts since June on a bird house script I made, and they recently got nuked last month, and some others I've talked to have also seen an increase in bird house ban rates. It should be said I ran these accounts 24/7 and they each had 99 hunter, so you likely could avoid bans still if you run them more safe than that.
  14. Rather than wipe your computer to do a fresh install of Linux, you can look into dual-booting. This allows you to have both a Windows and Linux installed on your machine. While Linux has a lot of great advantages, I wouldn't ever recommend completely giving up access to Windows because there are many programs that don't run on Linux. Here's a great article on dual-booting Linux and Windows: https://opensource.com/article/18/5/dual-boot-linux
  15. I've run across some weird behavior with the String returned by player.getName() and I think I see what's going on but I'm hoping someone can shed some light on it and show me a better solution to the problem than the one I have come up with. I have a function which will detect if there are nearby players with any name but the accepted ones (here I just use a single name as an example). However, what I have found is that even when it reaches the player of the allowed name, the .equals() comparison will return false no matter what. I've printed out the string generated by player.getName() and my predetermined allowed player name and they are identical in the logger -- with no extra spaces on the beginning or the end, but there still seems to be some sort of invisible escape characters which are returned by player.getName() which causes the comparison to fail. Here is my code: private boolean detectedPlayers() { List<Player> nearbyPlayers = players.getAll(); nearbyPlayers.remove(myPlayer()); String allowedPlayer = "27 dragonman 178"; for(Player a : nearbyPlayers) { String playername = a.getName(); if(!playername.equals(allowedPlayer)) { log("Non-whitelisted character detected!"); return true; } } return false; } My solution (ugly as it is) does work, but it's not really that pretty. Basically I delete all invisible characters returned by player.getName() and then run the comparison again, and it works. The modification is the addition of replaceAll("\\P{Print}","") I have to call this on my original String as well because this replaceAll() also deletes any spaces in the name. private boolean detectedPlayers() { List<Player> nearbyPlayers = players.getAll(); nearbyPlayers.remove(myPlayer()); String allowedPlayer = "27 dragonman 178".replaceAll("\\P{Print}",""); for(Player a : nearbyPlayers) { String playername = a.getName().replaceAll("\\P{Print}",""); if(!playername.equals(allowedPlayer)) { log("Non-whitelisted character detected!"); return true; } } return false; } Is there a better way to run comparisons on Strings returned by player.getName() to avoid this?
  16. Yeah SoloLearn's free Java course is a really great introduction in my opinion. As for picking between Eclipse and IntelliJ, I agree with the sentiment that Eclipse is more beginner friendly, but there's nothing wrong with using IntelliJ right off the bat if you find you prefer it.
  17. You really only need minimal java experience to write your first basic scripts, but I highly recommend learning the basics of programming before jumping into writing your own scripts. A great resource for me when I first got into programming was https://www.sololearn.com/ which has a lot of really good free resources to learn the basics. Once you've done that, I recommend checking out these threads to start writing your first scripts: Eclipse: IntelliJ:
  18. Currently there is no mobile botting client I'm aware of. That being said, you can certainly run AHK on a mobile client running through an emulator such as BlueStacks which I've had a lot of success with myself. You can still get banned this way, but it's much less likely.
  19. Looking at the API it looks like they're identical with the exception of completeDialogueU not throwing java.lang.InterruptedException. Is it recommended to use one over the other? completeDialogueU public boolean completeDialogueU(java.lang.String... options) Completes the current dialogue using the specified options when available. WARNING - This method loops until either the player is not in a dialogue, the "Select an Option" menu does not contain any of the specified options, or an option selection event failed. Parameters: options - The options to choose while completing the dialogue. Returns: True if the player completed the dialogue successfully. completeDialogue public boolean completeDialogue(java.lang.String... options) throws java.lang.InterruptedException Completes the current dialogue using the specified options when available. WARNING - This method loops until either the player is not in a dialogue, the "Select an Option" menu does not contain any of the specified options, or an option selection event failed. Parameters: options - The options to choose while completing the dialogue. Returns: True if the player completed the dialogue successfully. Throws: java.lang.InterruptedException
  20. The reason many of those quests are listed is because they provide a bunch of early levels in skills which allows you to more quickly reach 100 total level. The quest points block is the easiest to bypass.
  21. Make sure your project SDK is using Java 8.
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