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Scripter II
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Everything posted by Delision

  1. Currently looking for people to beta test this script! DM me if you are interested in trying it out and providing feedback.
  2. The thing is, people already bot MTA, @Eagle Scripts even had an MTA bot on this site. A new MTA likely wouldn't change the market as significantly compared to an activity that was NOT previously botted. That being said, I'll keep my eye on the market to see if I get proven wrong and the boots do end up crashing!
  3. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Grand Turismo
  4. I'm trying to read in item prices via the Runescape wiki API, but they block generic requests from anything with the default user agent of Java/{version}, so you have to use: System.setProperty("http.agent", "Chrome"); In order to not get blocked by them. However, this line seems to be blocked by the OSBot client, because when I have it added I get the error: Blocked permission: ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "http.agent" "write") I assume there's a reason the client blocks this, but I'm not sure why. Is there an alternative or a workaround? Here is my full code: public static JsonObject loadItemPrices() throws IOException { String sURL = "https://prices.runescape.wiki/api/v1/osrs/latest"; URL url = new URL(sURL); URLConnection request = url.openConnection(); request.connect(); JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonElement root = null; System.setProperty("http.agent", "Chrome"); try { root = jp.parse(new InputStreamReader((InputStream) request.getContent())); } catch(Exception e) { } JsonObject obj = root.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement element = obj.get("data"); JsonObject data = element.getAsJsonObject(); return data; }
  5. You can't chargeback bitcoin lol
  6. Nano Blast Mine Price: $9.99 Or if you would like to pay with OSRS GP, add me on Discord: Delision#6309 About: This script will play the Blast Mine mini-game located in the Lovakengj area on Zeah. Simply run the script with the proper requirements and watch the money and experience pour in. At 99 mining, you can expect around 700k profit and 75k experience per hour . I recommend having at least 75 mining to be able to receive Runite Ore. You can expect around 400-500k profit and 40-50k experience per hour at this level (see proggy). Features: Plays the Blast Mine mini-game using an efficient 5-Rock method of collecting Blasted Ore. Drinks Stamina Potions when run energy gets too low. Un-notes dynamite at bank chest. Collects ore from the Operator when the sack is nearing capacity. Heals up using available food in the bank in the rare case where damage is taken. Customizable breaking system. Requirements: Run OSBot with New Mouse enabled. For Mirror Mode: Recommended to set reaction time to 50ms for best results. 43 Mining (Recommended 75+ for best profit) 100% Lovakengj Favor. Items: Chisel Tinderbox Dynamite (Uses ~250 per hour) Stamina Potions In Game: GUI: Bug report Template: Stealth Injection or Mirror Mode: Explanation of what happened: OSBot Logger when the issue happened: Let me know if you have any questions/feedback on the script. I'm always open to suggestions for new features and ways to improve! If you would like a 24-hour trial, feel free to like the post and comment down below.
  7. You can get another 2-day ban if the first one gets quashed, but I've found that it's more likely for the next ban to be a perma, so definitely not something you want to bank on if it's an account you don't want to lose.
  8. CLI support has been added! Let me know if anyone runs into any issues.
  9. Crazy you get that much loot in F2P. Great video!
  10. Currently no, but I can definitely add that! I'll try to get an update to implement that by this weekend.
  11. As others have said, typically the less interaction the better. I've found this to be very true for common activities (fishing, woodcutting, mining, etc.). However, I've written scripts for less common activities that still have a lot of client interaction with clicks/walking that haven't had bans, so I think the less popular an activity the less data they have to quickly catch and ban players.
  12. It really depends on the botting activity. I still bot frequently on my main and it's over 2000 total level. That being said all it takes is one botting session for them to pick up on you and ban you. I've had plenty of other accounts bot for a very short period of time and get banned. That being said some people get luckier than others.
  13. I doubt they use window size as a heuristic. Many people use both fixed and resizable. I always play on resizable using OpenOSRS but run all my bots in Fixed. If they looked at that I'm guessing ban patterns would be apparent.
  14. Dharoking is better xp/hr than full obby starting at 92 HP with at least 80 attack and 85 strength. However, even at 99 attack, strength, and hp, full Dharoks is only about 15% xp/hr so it's not really necessary to upgrade.
  15. Nano Drift Nets About: This script will craft Jute Fibers into Drift Nets on Fossil Island using the bank chest and loom in the expedition camp. With the efficiency of this script, you can expect 45k-50k crafting experience per hour and 200-400k profit per hour based on buying and selling prices of drift nets and Jute Fibers. Features: Crafts Jute Fibers into Drift Nets for 55xp each. Option to use stamina potions when run energy gets too low. Planned: GE Restocking. Falador loom support. Runner/Master support. Requirements: Access to Fossil Island. 26 Crafting. 29 Construction (to build the loom & bank chest on Fossil Island). In Game: Let me know if you have any questions/feedback on the script. I'm always open to suggestions for new features and ways to improve!
  16. Yeah I don't know why it got categorized as that, I didn't select it . I put in a request for it to be moved but it hasn't gone through yet.
  17. Script has been updated and now should be working properly! Let me know if you run into any issues
  18. Yeah I figured out what the issue is. It turns out the form I used for my GUI is not compatible with the online compilation done through the SDN. It's not that the script doesn't work, but rather the SDN compilation method is not compatible with the GUI designer I used so I'm forced to rewrite the GUI. I apologize for the broken release, but this is my first release to the SDN and did not expect to run into an issue like this.
  19. Yikes thank you for pointing that out haha. I have dark reader enabled on my browser and the text looked white to me until I turned it off to see what everyone else saw...
  20. Yeah I'm aware, a potential fix has been pushed and will hopefully be working again following the next recompile. Stay tuned for updates
  21. Yeah I noticed this too. My local version is functioning normally but the version on OSBot is still having issues. I've pushed another fix that will hopefully resolve this. Stay tuned!
  22. Did you hover over RS2Object and import it? That message means it doesn't recognize RS2Object which is due to either you missing the OSBot library or missing an import.
  23. You want to make sure you're assigning the tree variable within your loop and not just inside your class, because otherwise it will never get reassigned. Also, your code will currently get the closest tree to the player which may not be in the tree area, so one way to only get trees within the tree area is using Filters. Here is an example of an RS2Object filter where I'm filtering for three things: Area draynorArea = new Area(3075, 3249, 3102, 3214); public static Filter<RS2Object> WILLOW = new Filter<RS2Object >() { @Override public boolean match(RS2Object object) { return object.getName().equals("Willow") && object.hasAction("Chop down") && draynorArea.contains(object); } }; Hopefully it's clear based on the code, but this filters for objects named "Willow" that have the action "Chop down" that are contained in my area variable of draynorArea. Then making use of this would be: RS2Object myTree = objects.closest(WILLOW); Now the variable myTree will only get the closest object that fits our filter. Best of luck!
  24. Delision

    Nano AutoTyper

    Nano AutoTyper Script ID: 1151 About: This script will type out any messages you want at a customizable interval at your preferred location. Whether you want to advertise you CC at Edgeville, your house at the Rimmington House Portal, or your favorite Discord in the Grand Exchange, this script can do it. Features: Supports any number of messages you want the bot to type out either in a linear fashion or randomized order. Customizable message interval by setting a minimum and maximum delay between messages. Location support will walk to any of the supported locations so you can run the script straight off Tutorial Island: Current location Grand Exchange Lumbridge Spawn Edgeville Bank Rimmington House Portal Ability to save/load your custom presets. Requirements: An account that is not muted. CLI Usage: You will need a settings file to use CLI, so first run the script normally and save the settings with your desired file name. (e.g. ClanAdvertisement in my example). Example of CLI: -script 1151:ClanAdvertisement GUI: In Game: Let me know if you have any questions/feedback on the script. I'm always open to suggestions for new features and ways to improve!
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