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Multi Clanning

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  1. Been using this script for a few years now. Was wondering tho, there used to be signatures with time ran/xp gained/etc. Were those removed?
  2. Hey @Fruity recently noticed that if you set the rock-caking threshold to 3 hp, it'll wait for your hp to hit 3 and then instantly cake down to 2. Is this the intended use of the feature or could it be changed to cake at a random time between 2 and 3 hp?
  3. Hey, could I get a trial of this?
  4. Hey, a few months ago there was a runelite plugin that allowed you to not drag items when switching, etc. Even tho it got changed to only work with shift-click now, the old version can still be found here: https://github.com/runelite/runelite/pull/2496 Could anyone who knows how to code update it so it works with the current runelite version? =D
  5. Probably a lot to do with servers and defending ddos attacks. Yes. That shit costs hella money. (ofc, they probs bought a lot of other shit as well, but that'd never add up to that much unless they bought a huge ass mansion lol)
  6. Cherry MX 3.0 Mechanical keys, no unneeded backlighting, makro keys, etc. Love it. (It's not wireless, the cable is just not plugged in in this pic lol)
  7. Idk about the sneakers, to me they look like someone's wearing sandals with green socks
  8. You sound like a total idiot, but what you've said is true at least.
  9. Hey @Acerd, could I get a trial for this script please?
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