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Everything posted by Dot

  1. This isn't a "script" that runs in OSBot. It's a standalone program that creates accounts. Explv has a working (free and open source) tutorial island script which you can set to automatically launch after each account is created as per the listed feature.
  2. Have you considered the possibility that mirror mode is much more difficult to update than stealth injection? Have you considered that a lot of the OSBot devs have jobs and lives and treat this as a hobby? Mirror mode works in the official client. If that's not enough for you and you feel entitled to more I'd suggest requesting a refund instead of whining.
  3. Sorry man. You're right. Botting isn't exclusive to the tech savvy and there's nothing wrong with asking questions. I shouldn't have been a cunt about it. You should give as much info as possible when you're asking for help, though. Just telling us your accounts are being locked isn't enough info to tell you anything. Are you using a proxy in OSBot? Are you using a proxy when you make the account? If you're using a proxy is it private or did you find it on Google? What are you actually doing when you get locked out? Botting? Legit playing TutIsland?
  4. Take a look at the logger (Options -> Toggle logger) when you run the script. Most scripts spit it a reason when they stop themselves. Then reply to the APA Rooftop Agility thread in Premium Scripts -> Agility because chances are only Apaec can help you.
  5. Bot doesn't crash when login handler fails now. Also doesn't "freeze" during EventHandlers like AutoLogin anymore. Thanks for the update
  6. Tbh if you thought you could run 5+ clients at once with no proxies and have even a hope of avoiding bans, you are beyond help. VPS/dedi also won't lower your chance of ban. The purpose of them is simply to bot without using your own computer. You still need proxies.
  7. It sounds like your desktop has other programs using a large portion of your processing power. If you want to run 10+ bots at a time you should configure your OS to run only what is required by OSBot and nothing else. There is a lot of potential differences in the configuration of your two machines. I would recommend comparing power settings, services and startup programs between your laptop and PC as a start. All of that said, your CPU and RAM are only parts of what makes a machine run well. Things like drive read/write speed, power supply, drivers, and general config can be just as, if not more, important. I'd recommend reducing the amount of programs you run on startup as a start. Assuming you're running Win10 you can do that in the Task Manager. Then go to add/remove programs and just uninstall everything you don't use (be careful not to remove stuff like Java and .NET Runtimes). If you don't check often, you'll be surprised by how many things are eating up your resources.
  8. Half-Life 3 new dev confirmed.
  9. You guys keep trying to help a guy after he asks how to use a proxy in Google Chrome. ? He's not ready.
  10. I don't understand how it uses 1 email for all accounts? Are they actually verifiable? Anyway I might fork this and add a couple of the features you mentioned and PR, if you don't mind.
  11. Vouch. He did this for all 10 of my accounts for over 2000M free of charge. Glitch only works if you have 10M+ tho.
  12. Move your check to onStart() and remove the if from your onLoop(). if (!started) { stop(); return; }
  13. Dot

    RIP stan lee

    Even got a cameo in Spider-Man PS4. RIP.
  14. Somehow still having this problem on my third script. The only thing that makes it work is to have an insanely high ConditionalSleep, which I don't think is proper. @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { skillHandler(); if (!banking) { if (dialogues.isPendingContinuation()) dialogues.clickContinue(); else if (!combat.isFighting()) { if (lootEnabled && !looted) loot(); else if (bonesEnabled && !buried) buryBones(); else if (looted && buried) attack(); } else if (foodEnabled) foodHandler(); } else if (!inventory.contains(foodName) && !combat.isFighting()) bankHandler(); return random(200, 300); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void attack() throws InterruptedException { antibanAction = "None"; target = npcs.closest(n -> n.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(targetName) && n.exists() && n.getHealthPercent() > 0 && !myPlayer().isInteracting(n) && !n.isUnderAttack() && n != null); if (!map.canReach(target)) doorHandler.getNextObstacle(target); else { action = "Attacking"; target.interact("Attack"); skipKill = false; if (lootEnabled) looted = false; if (bonesEnabled) buried = false; antiBan(); new ConditionalSleep(() -> targetPosition = target.getPosition(), 5000, 100) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { if (!combat.isFighting() && target.isUnderAttack()) { log("Someone else is fighting that. Looping."); skipKill = true; } return combat.isFighting() || skipKill; } }.sleep(); if (!skipKill) killCount += 1; } } The looted & buried vars are only set within the loot() and bury() functions, but somehow they reset to true even with a 2-3 second sleep time at the start of those functions. onLoop() is setup in a way that attack() can't be called until loot() and bury() complete. I have tried adding ConditionalSleeps to those functions to wait until the item exists but that seems to have no effect (without a huge timeout). I'm getting really frustrated. The fuck am I doing wrong? Edit: I seem to be getting a massive chain of NPE's when my script doesn't loot/bury. No info other than "[ERROR][Bot #1][11/12 08:51:38 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException" Edit 2: Huge oversight on my part by having the targetPosition only get updated during the ConditionalSleep and not at any point after attack() has returned. Fairly sure that's where my problem lies. I think I can solve this by adding a hasDied() function that checks the NPC the player is interacting with for a death animation and stores the targetPosition when it happens, and call bury() and loot() when it returns true.
  15. That's basically what I was using already but I want it to work when the area isn't necessarily known (hence using getPosition() as the area). Also webWalk makes the client lag super hard.
  16. Wow thanks. Didn't think it would be that simple.
  17. I'm writing an AIO fighter and I want my script to open doors if the closest attackable NPC is behind one (eg: Al-Kharid Warriors, some cunt closes a door in my face). Is there a better method for this than webwalking to the NPC's position? target = npcs.closest(n -> n.getName().equals(targetName) && n.exists() && n.getHealthPercent() > 0 && !myPlayer().isInteracting(n) && !n.isUnderAttack() && n != null); if (!map.canReach(target)) getWalking().webWalk(target.getPosition()); else { // do combat stuff } ^^ that's sort of what I'm using but webWalk is heavy on resources and I feel this is a really sloppy use of it. Is there a better way that is universal?
  18. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Can you confirm whether or not OSBuddy is actually supposed to be supported right now? A lot of info on mirror mode is outdated so it's hard to be sure.
  19. Can I get a trial? I can do a video recording of the bot and actually give you details if I have problems.
  20. No. Should have clarified that. I'm on Windows 10 Pro Build 17134.
  21. Mirror client version: 2.7 Console output / terminal output: None Crash report if a crash occurred: None Script that you ran: None Hooks that failed: None JVM/Browser bit version (32 / 64): java version "1.8.0_191" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_191-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode) OSBot 2.5.25 manages to hook into the clients properly but they freeze up completely on login. RuneLite freezes when it says "Loading -- Please wait" in the top left, and OSBuddy freezes on the Welcome Screen (where it says "Click here to play"). Using 32-bit JRE, OSBot crashes when looking for OSRS clients. Only the official OSRS client works with mirror mode.
  22. Dot

    MirrorClient v2.7

    Same problem but Windows 10. Edit: OSBuddy also doesn't work. Crashes on welcome screen. Using 32-bit JRE, OSBot just closes out when searching for a client to connect to with both clients. Only the official client works. I'm confused as to why an update was released that claims to have added support for RuneLite when it doesn't seem to work for a single person so far. Also wondering if OSBuddy works for anyone else because that should also be receiving some attention if not.
  23. Dot

    Excellent Agility

    Great script, but the tracker for how many marks have been looted doesn't update properly in the paint. The logger shows it was looted but the paint doesn't always update. I'm using it in Cannifis. Same thing using injection and mirror mode. Not at all a big deal but it is kinda nice to know how many marks per hour you're getting. Great script regardless.
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