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Trade With Caution
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About KevinOG

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  1. Added, but I pref using rdp software
  2. Looking to get a quote for fighter torso on my Ironman. 73 att 70 str 70 def Only trusted people + only through teamviewer or other Rdp software.
  3. Correct I was banned on p****bot. The reason why is I scammed 200$pp or so, is what they say. I had chuckle investigate my PayPal account and he didn't see mee receiving the amount, but didn't UnbannEd me. I didn't really care since I could use other forums like sythe and osbot. I was using sythe for a fair amount of time, with succeafull transactions, but they banned me because I got banned on p****bot. All my other accounts on sythe got banned because I got banned on p****bot. There was no dispute against me it was just that 1 little proplem. Here we are 5 years later? Did some account sales with no problems, and didn't got any dispute against me either. Hope you can remove my twc, since I proofed on p****bot already I didn't received the PayPal, and after all this years I get the twc on osbot.
  4. Type of trade: gp for account My contact (discord):Keviin#4600 407589936288759819 His contact (discord):biggmoney1#2067 398312599722131456 Tos? I agree
  5. Hello, I'm selling all my CSGO skins pref for 07 gp. Here's a Pic of the most valuable items. I'm more then happy to use a MM https://imgur.com/a/u5QeqsW
  6. Hello, The zerker is already sold, I mean the main account I got for sale. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/154078-sick-main-4-sale-with-2-pets-with-original-e-mail/
  7. Got a starter main 1570+ total look my topic
  8. Looking to buy cs skins pref knives. Post what you got with a price.
  9. @ukasz can you confirm he is indeed the OO of account 2 and not you?
  10. Are you the OO of account 2? Is there any chance u will give the email with it?
  11. Got a maxed zerker, easy to make it a main
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