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Everything posted by fhhhphgj
Updated the thread
Nope still going strong I mentioned in my last update/post that I would not update as frequently, I was planning on doing something like once a week. I'll post an update for you peeps tomorrow so stay tuned
Progress update & appended logs in original post. Mining 52-56 Crafting 66-70 Didn't manage to get much done today Was more focusing on my other project (Sucide Botting 99 Agility) and I was also occupied with IRL stuff, responsibilities... sigh. About the 'adding pictures or something'-thing to these posts I was thinking maybe I could post a video of one LMS game (not to brag but I'm a pretty good nher ) per post maybe? Honestly don't know, it seems random asf to post along with this topic but I can't think of anything else at the moment at least. Except for progress pics of course but it seems sort of redundant, since the progress is logged in text. We'll have to wait and see I suppose.
Progress update & appended logs in original post. Progress made 2020-07-01: Completed Jungle Potion Completed Shilo Village Farming 1-4 Herblore 3-45 Agility 29-31 Crafting 33-66 Firemaking 41-50 Mining 41-52 Woodcutting 50-55 Cooking 50-70 Hitpoints 64-65 Ranged 74-75 Prayer 70-77 Pest Control 450 Points Finished what I needed for full void, range + mage helmet. I don't think I'll be having much use for melee helmet, but I might have to come back later to get elite void... although I'm not sure if I have the effort to get western hard diaries completed. Didn't get a whole lot done seeing as how the weather was so nice. I'm thinking about adding some pictures to my posts or something to make it a little more lively. I assume most people who browse don't want to end up reading a full Harry Potter size book, but I'm not sure what pictures I'd put. Total level? Quest list? Hans time played? or just the level up messages/quest complete reward screen? I'd also need to start playing on RuneLite or OSBuddy if that's the case so it'd automatically screenshot the progress. Maybe I'll just post some weird shit I see along the way, idk.
Just thought of something and quickly hopped on to post before I forget. First off, I'm not entirely certain but I remember reading somewhere that there were people cataloguing almost every travel method and how they work, so e.g. which possible squares you will spawn to when teleporting to Falador and so on. It might have been the OSRS wiki people but you'd have investigate for yourself. Secondly, I thought of another RC method which you could probably do, all the way to 99 from a really low level with mouse recorder. Namely nature RCing with a POH and fairy ring. POH teleport will always put you in the north western tile to your portal, and if you have a fairy ring in your POH, that won't move. Fairy ring to CKR and run to nature altar, then glory teleport to edge & repeat? Maybe even use eternal glory to skip switching of glories. Would love to hear someone try this
Just throwing some ideas around, but I know the dark crab fishing spot in wilderness resource area doesn't move. But then again, it is in the wilderness and if you get pk'd then the bot is useless. I would say if you have 2200 total you could fish on those worlds since pkers come once a week if even but then again botting on a 2200 total acc isn't the best idea... As for thieving, it can be done for certain. The easiest way would probably be thieving stalls but the XP/h would be questionable and might not be worth the risk of the ban. Woodcutting I think you can do now with the introduction of the new quest. The white tree, blisterwood tree in Darkmeyer never 'despawns'/gets cut down so you could cut and drop forever. Off the top of my head I can think of one RC method but you need a really high RC level to do it so it's kind of in the bin for most accounts/you I'm guessing.
Yeah there should be pictures attached in the OP, try disabling extensions you have running on your browser which might block content such as adblockers. The progress on the accounts are as follows: Account 1: Level 80 agility, 2.105M XP gained Account 2: Level 79 agility, 1.665M XP gained Account 3: Level 81 agility, 1.009M XP gained Account 4: Level 78 agility, 588.8k XP gained
Stop hating you're just jealous you can't make a super advanced bot lmaoo Gonna watch the vid again this is funny
Damn I guess it'd really only be decent if I'd stop at around 70 def then? to bully pures huehue But ye I guess you're right, seeing as I have an account which would be close to that already and it wouldn't be a tank anymore... I think 75 attack looks like the winner. Unless someone manages to convince me otherwise until its too late. Thanks for the input
Updated the thread
Awesome, hopefully this won't disappoint I'm just using something I whipped up myself real quick for this project. Nothing fancy really I'm betting the scripts available here are way more advanced and optimised Gonna head off for today and update later when I wake up Ngl I'm kind of nervous now for some reason haha. Don't want to let you guys down and make a fool of myself
Thanks g
Already past 48 hours... since a while ago no less still going strong Have some faith guys You know it Thanks man appreciated support Will update again soon, also considering botting a couple accounts simultaneously instead of just the one. But I'm just paranoid and suspicious the computer will blue screen shut down and be off for the entire day.. and if that happens I won't be able to reboot it with remote control since well, the computer is off — happened once already sadly, lost about 14 hours of botting I forgot how fun it can be to bot makes me feel young again lmfao Cmon man haha
Recently I've been seeing a lot of threads about people botting [agility] and getting instantly banned, others speculating on ban rates, Jagex's detection methods and a whole lot of stuff. Seeing how the timing couldnt be any better to start botting - summer & epic wheather, I thought I'd take up the challenge. What really prompted me to do this was that I had a couple of Twitch-prime accounts laying around which I originally made to test random stuff on, but seeing as they had no stats and no quests completed, with a couple of days membership left I went forward with the idea and started from there. All of this into account and I had myself the perfect guinnea pigs for this pet project. I'll bond them for membership eventually though if they make it that far. Alternatively, I could start everything over and make new accounts to bond those up, or maybe even try this on a decently progressed account, but then it wouldn't really be 1-99 agility instead maybe something like 50-99 or whatever depending on which account I pick. • Setup I won't bother with buying anything too fancy like a VPS, proxies etc. (but I will be using a VPN) to complete my goal, I'll try to use the most basic setup I can. After a couple of hours of searching and re-assembling I got myself the very same computer I used to run a fishing farm on around 2010-2012, which I'll be using to bot on. Instead of botting on my home IP, I'll be using a VPN. For a couple of reasons, since I will occaisonally be on my main computer doing stuff, if I happen to want to play RS and so they won't effect eachother if cross-checked by IP or some other speculatory jumbo. We'll have to see how long it's gonna take as I don't really know, I'll try to run the bot 24-hours non-stop until I get banned or something else gets in the way but I can't promise that it'll be a 1-99 in one session. Seeing as I don't have a real plan on the most efficient way to bot, or haven't purchased a script I'll be making most the stuff I need myself and sort of wing it throughout the experience as I go. So, let's get started. PS. Oh and one thing I forgot to mention... the reason why the PC I'm using to bot with was in parts and not being used is because a couple of years ago it just started to die.. I don't remember 100% what the problem was, something like the RAM/OS drive/MOBO got corrupted and would randomly shut the entire PC down. So I don't really mind if it has to run 4 months non-stop to reach this goal But I'll do my best to keep it running 24/7 Log 2020-06-29 Progress update 2020-06-30 Progress update 2020-07-04 Progress update 2020-08-05 General update Contemplating whether or not I should refrain from detailing the date when adding progress updates. Also I think I might adjust the cadence at which I'm updating the thread Labeled the accounts so its easier to keep track of the progress of them when viewing the thread.
Background In this thread I'll be documenting my journey towards creating a Range-Mage tank. Although I haven't decided the final build (see possible builds below) I'm sure I'll make up my mind somewhere down the line. I've already got tons of accounts but since they are all "maxed" and PvP feels kind of dead/stale to me, the game has got sort of boring and lost its touch for me lately. I always wanted a Range-Mage tank but never got around to making one because of how boring they are in PvP (there's no big variety in specs etc). So now there's finally an excuse for me to make one. Additionally, even though I'm really not a big PvMer I think this account would be decent at farming stuff whilst AFK if the whole PvP thing doesn't work out. I wasn't really sure if I was going to post this in the 'Goals' or 'Guides' sub-forum since it's basically both. Whilst looking around to try and figure out what I needed to do in order to build this account, I found that there weren't really any guides out there. And if any — they'd be pretty old (... pre-EOC old) so I thought I'd post this. Barely takes any time, it's just logging my progress etc and a little text here and there. So in this guide/progress log I'll be addressing key points of the account. I won't really go into detail on any specifics like how to complete X, Y, Z quest/mini-game/skill or other goal since there are plenty of guides for that already. Main requirements will be outlined such as the list of quests, minimum stats needed and so on. The different builds I have in mind are the following: Build 1 Build 2 I'm on the fence on which route I want to pick, and the thinking behind the builds are; 60/99 Attack/Strength would allow me to use dragon claws but would force me to use something like kodai/master wand/thammaron's sceptre. Which, in my opinion would be one of the key aspects of the account (using mage). So pretty much unless I'm using kodai I'd have pretty bad mage attack bonuses, and in which case I'd have to risk claws... While I wouldn't mind I somehow don't feel 100% comfortable sacrificing a lot of combat levels for it considering how inaccurate I'd be with only 60 attack. 75/75 Attack/Strength sits a lot better with me, and are the stats I'm currently leaning towards. That'd give me toxic staff of the dead which would be a huge damage boost and allow me to staff spec should I need it (I PK a lot deep wild solo). However, this means I'd pretty much only have ballista/dark bow/nightmare staff as spec weapons. To be decided... Requirements • Quest List (Branches) - This will show all mandatory¹ quests and their sub-quests needed for the final build • Quest List (Hierarchy) - This will show all mandatory¹ quests in a hierarchical² fashion needed for the final build • Filler quests - These are quests with no bearing on the account build but are solely completed for their Quest Points in order to reach 175/200 for Barrows gloves/DS2 respectively. • Minimum stats - This will show the stats needed to complete the mandatory quests ¹Mandatory for PvP with this specific build (Desert treasure for ancient magics, Monkey Madness II for ballista etc) ²Hierarchically ranked by difficulty and prerequisite quests. Meaning, you can complete all quests from top to bottom - you won't have any 'down-time' by having to stop and complete Y quest to start X quest. Update log 2020-06-29 2020-06-30 2020-07-01 2020-07-02
3M Discord Macweese#1169 (UID 159941566994186240) or add me through my signature.
65M Discord Macweese#1169 (UID 159941566994186240) or add me through my signature.
60M Discord Macweese#1169 (UID 159941566994186240) or add me through my signature.
37.4M for 57-70 Agility Discord Macweese#1169 (UID 159941566994186240) or add me through my signature.
26.5M Discord Macweese#1169 (UID 159941566994186240) or add me through my signature.
36.5M Discord Macweese#1169 (UID 159941566994186240) or add me through my signature.
76.5M Discord Macweese#1169 (UID 159941566994186240) or add me through my signature.
For future reference, planting crystal trees (ultra-compost + magic secateurs) yields up to 16 crystal shards every 8 hours and decent farming XP. You can get the crystal acorn by talking to a specific NPC in Prifddinas who will convert a crystal weapon/armor seed for you.
4M Discord Macweese#1169 (UID 159941566994186240) or add me through my signature.
9M Discord Macweese#1169 (UID 159941566994186240) or add me through my signature.