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Everything posted by Swizzbeat

  1. It will sleep while the condition evaluates to false and the timeout hasn't expired.
  2. OP is considering he can't even spell it.
  3. This is fucken retarded, I hate when people do things like this.
  4. Why not just POST JSON data instead of a ton of individual parameters? This will allow you to do more things in the future instead of being restricted to the 256 character limit on the URL. I've never sent a POST request in Java however http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4205980/java-sending-http-parameters-via-post-method-easily should get you started.
  5. I thought I was retarded.....he could have at least tried to send a POST....
  6. Err no? I can write an iOS app in Objective-C, rewrite it in Swift, and be unable to recharge people unless I released a completely new app. Hell, I can write a Windows phone app in C# then switch to C++ and then do the whole thing over again in Javascript without any extra compensation. The language you write a phone app in doesn't matter, I'm not sure why you assume it does.
  7. I literally have no idea what you just said.
  8. I'm not sure why people are bringing programming languages into this....? It's like if I bought a book from Wal-Mart and then asked Barnes and Noble for the same book for free because I bought it at another store. I'm not sure how difficult of a concept that is to grasp.
  9. Why would you want an iPad when you already have a Nexus 7?
  10. Trying to make up for my small penis size, sorry.
  11. It's hard to fuck up clicking things into place.
  12. I hope the other dev's know if it wasn't for @Alek this site would have about 5 active users.
  13. But guys he's going to make thousands of dollars per day off his new bot!
  14. Considering you code inside of an IDE it really doesn't matter...
  15. I didn't know that, pretty solid.
  16. Unless the hackers from the NSA You should also add a timeout to any request packets sent. It doesn't matter how good your encryption is (could be some alien shit idc) because anyone who intercepts the packet can resend it as many times as they want. It's a major security flaw in a lot of website login forms ;)
  17. I can't wait for the "oh fuck my bot broke" thread...
  18. Uhhh initial costs = ~$350 100 accounts = ~$350 for bonds monthly server fee = $200 total loss already = ~$900 Already ~$1k in the drain and his bots going to break next update.
  19. You got ripped off like all hell. Enjoy trying to work with a broken bot next time a major update comes around, as I highly doubt anyone would provide bot maintenance without a recurring payment.
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