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Everything posted by Swizzbeat

  1. Obviously there are still jobs, however a large majority is being outsourced. The point I was trying to make is $50k per year in the US may be awful but even just half that in India when converted to the Rupee (and based on their living expenses) is enough to make that person part of the upper class.
  2. Nah, there's thousands of programmers on freelance sites from India looking to do any job you have for next to nothing. The cost of living over there is much less than in other countries, which is why they can bid so low on jobs. It's also the reason most companies are outsourcing all of their projects. Why pay a local programmer $50k per year when you can get a team of Indians to do the work for $10k? tl;dr fuck India
  3. I develop iOS apps. Shoot me a PM if interested.
  4. wait wut this is so unexpected
  5. I would have made it iOS 7 compatible however a lot of location functionality was updated with iOS 8 that I'm relying on
  6. Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fit-mate-randomize-your-exercise/id936253796?ls=1&mt=8 Hey guys, I've recently released an app on the app store and wanted to ask everyone here to go check it out! Download, rate, review and let me know of any improvements I can make. Thanks EDIT: Yes the sexy logo and graphics were made by @Dex
  7. Evidence does suggest it, however it is uncertain.
  8. Computer Science 1 is a joke, I got a 4 on AP exam and didn't even take the class. Probably would have gotten a 5 if it wasn't for this: But yeah, I personally learn better by watching someone DO while I follow along, so these tutorials will do you wonders: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7E8B7F4856C9B19 FYI NEVER WATCH THENEWBOSTON VIDEOS he's a complete moron that will only tell you textbook information.
  9. Unless your using notepad all the Java IDE's have relatively useful intellisense. I suggest actually reading the compile time errors you receive.
  10. You should ALWAYS be programming with accessors and mutators.
  11. The most advanced scripters here aren't writing OSBot scripts lol tl;dr @Ericthecmh as he's Asian and goes to MIT
  12. Umm wouldn't this create a ton of unnecessary MethodProvider class instances? Passing it via constructor just passes the reference, keeping the heap clean.
  13. Why not grab a debit card from your bank and link that? You can always cancel it right after. I always seemed to have issues buying cards and trying to link them, all of the spare Visa's I have from birthdays and such wouldn't work as PayPal didn't like them for some reason.
  14. The problem isn't even the template, it's the fact that you posted TEXT as your evidence. RsStaker: Yeah you're trading me press accept and give me the 1bil 07 Swizzbeat: OK I accepted Swizzbeat: Hello? Swizzbeat: Please don't scam.... Swizzbeat: Wow sad scammer.... ^^^^^ Would that be sufficient evidence that you scammed me?
  15. He explicitly stated what was wrong with it on your thread. If you're to retarded to understand it then you deserve to be scammed.
  16. You've obviously never stepped foot outside of your house if you think these authorities actually do anything.
  17. Are you kidding? Banks are extremely unregulated, and their "strategic investments" are why the US recently suffered the greatest economic collapse since the great depression.
  18. And let's be honest if @Alek left OSBot right now none of us would blame him.
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