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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Need it right away. Trying to get under $1/m or whatever. Live:roomscape
  2. Try the G.E. above varrock - any world.
  3. I'm using safari and I'm having the issue but doesn't seem widespread... but hey, I didn't have to log in this time so yeah..
  4. Happened repeatedly the past few days. I have to log in every time for some reason.
  5. If people are stupid enough to do that shit then leave them be to be honest. ^ thats turned into my motto about about a lot of shit lately.
  6. Live:roomscape in the OP and my sig.
  7. If you still need I'll do for some GP.
  8. Three hours for a scam report to be approved is just getting excessive... but bro, you can't blame anyone but yourself when you get scammed. Granted, both those users appear to be trusted so a scam quit is just something that's unfortunate but you can't go blaming everyone else. There's a middleman section for a reason. I have no remorse for people who get scammed by dealing with account trades, PayPal or the absence of a middleman.
  9. If you can do that then $1/m shouldn't be an issue. I have about 100m left also.
  10. Still buying? live:roomscape
  11. Other in the marketplace is for selling and buying threads where it doesn't fit in other categories, not questions. Marketplace isn't the area for questions. That's more so for community discussion.
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