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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Still need? Can have it completed tonight.
  2. Yeah, but if you have 81 mining and 1 in everything else, I’m going to take a hunch that you’re Botting. Just me, though. Jagex, pls hire me. Best anti bot mod you’ll have.
  3. You need 100 posts to sell an account in these parts.
  4. Talking with you two at the moment.
  5. That's literally every bot and client, though. It's more than just RuneLite. I'm pretty sure they're the reason RSBot changed their name to p****bot and why RSGold (or something) had to take the 'RS' out of their name since Jagex claimed copyright or other legal action.
  6. Yeah, I started at the end of 2009 on p****bot. Then I made an account on here randomly one day and later became active on here. We grew up playing this game and since it's still around and active we just keep coming back. Maybe nostalgia?
  7. Hah I wonder if anyone even read this. He said he’s not leaving, he’s just resigning and everyone is here with sad faces saying goodbye. xD I just find that funny, especially to the people who don’t know him. @Dex this is something that happened to me like 3 years ago when I started becoming inactive due to work and life. We’re all getting older now and have more things to do besides just play games and chat with one another but it doesn’t mean we will ever forget it. This community and game hasn’t become a part of my life, whether it be for the better or worse, as I’m sure it has for you and everyone else. It’s going to be hard to completely leave this scene as a whole unless something major changes in ones life. I’m back for a bit, but who knows how long. Maybe you’ll be more active on here again someday. Who knows, strange stuff happens in life.
  8. This is a thing that's wrong with the world from what I see over and over. People are more concerned about how much others are making than anything else - even when it has nothing to do with them or their money. People just don't like the thought of seeing someone else do less work than them (from what they perceive) and earn around the same, if not more. It's really a stupid thing. If everyone worries about their own self and stop thinking about others then imagine what they would accomplish. I do understand that the client gives some advantages opposed to the official RS client, but money definitely has something to do with this as it's only really becoming an issue since people who used to pay for OSB pro are now using RuneLite for free. They get donations. Some people figure if I save $5 I'll give you that $5 or less.
  9. You to poor for that foot long, huh? rip It'll be nice and all until you lost the house.
  10. I think the thing about copyright for RuneLite is the 'Rune' in it's name. Or am I missing something? I know they already successfully taken down (or at least sites changed their names) sites that had "RS" in it as Jagex claimed copyright for the name 'RuneScape'.
  11. I've come to realize some people are just like that while others are sarcastic. Either way, I shouldn't be bothered since neither matters to me.
  12. Would be nice to know your cb level and a picture of your completed quests thus far.
  13. So true. That's on top of the fact that no one plays RS3 anymore so they're losing money from the entire main game. 07 is supposed to be like this secondary part of RS while RS3 is supposed to be the main one. There is over double the players in OSRS than there are in RS3 which is pretty pathetic in my opinion. http://www.misplaceditems.com/rs_tools/graph/
  14. They’re obviously scrambling for money with all of the extra stuff they’re doing with mem and then making it more expensive.. I knew they were desperate when they started selling gp for money and calling it a bond.
  15. I mean, no matter how hard you try it's still pretty obvious to anyone looking at you that you're a bot. If you're trying to fool the Jagex detection system then that's one thing but if you are trying to hide it from regular players it's going to be hard. I see people playing a lot who obviously bot but I guess they babysit because they reply.
  16. There's quite a number of us, actually. ?
  17. Have to be up in a few hours but yolo
  18. Damn, the struggle. At least you’re not crying about being banned like a number of other people do. They know it’s against the rules and still bot then have the nerve to cry when they get banned and blame the script writers and site. Funny stuff. Sucks that hat you lost 300m though. Could’ve made like $250 off that. What got me, though, is how they called it “illegal Botting software” as if there is legal Botting software...shouldn’t they have just said you were caught using Botting software? The addition of the illegal Botting software makes me think, lol.
  19. Yes but he can’t post or do anything unless he gets on a new account. And you think he’ll just pay you for it?
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