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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. My bad. Could’ve sworn this was in sales.
  2. RoomScape


    Yes. Got 38-55 in a few hours and went to knights that same day.
  3. Ok so then let’s change the site and market.
  4. What do you think this whole thread has been about? No spam man I swear. This is seriousness man. I know this is a botting site but come on man I’m here trying to help all of you guys.
  5. Bro wtf is wrong with you come on dude. I’m here trying to help out everyone and you’re just here putting spam into my thread wth? Let’s not take this off topic guys.
  6. But we’re doing this for the betterment of the entire community of RS. Got damn newbies man.
  7. Ok you want to make the suggestion or should I?
  8. Double the price? That could keep the ironmen strong and uphold their integrity. I’m ok with something like that but it should be a bit more expensive. And for UIM and HCIM there should be an even higher multiplier. This will at least deter people from requesting it as much.
  9. It’s unfair if they didn’t have a choice but since they do it’s not unfair at all. Im here trying to breed a species of supermen but everyone is against me for some reason.
  10. They made a choice to be an Ironman so now they have to live with that choice. It wasn’t forced upon them. We should help them be strong and hopefully they’ll upgrade and become men of steel.
  11. RoomScape

    Need quests

    Bruh, don’t ruin it and just up charge to make bank. I’d charge like 17m
  12. And that's what's wrong with the world today.
  13. Ok so when a guy and girl love each other very much...
  14. Bro just think about it for a minute. Ironman are a status and therefore a symbol of the status quo. If Ironmen get bitter then people would care less about them. Regular accounts aren’t anything special because of all the bots running wild but Ironmen came to change that. It’s kind of like Superman how he’s a hero. Ironmen are the the same except they’re men of iron instead of steel. Maybe they can be Superman if they train smithing a bit more but I don’t know.
  15. Yes, botting Ironman is going to ruin the name of iron men throughout the game. Botting itself is killing the game guys so what do you think will happen when you bot iron men? this is about integrity. Just think about it for a minute. We want what’s best for RS because if RS dies then this site dies.
  16. I’m not good with price checks since I don’t buy/sell accounts. Sorry bro.
  17. RoomScape


    Yes, the gp is the same but they don’t want people to spam click because it “ruins the integrity of the game”. Because, you know, AFK’ing NMZ or splashing for hours upon hours with only 10% concentration or spam clicking alch which is ruining the economy with all the added gp, or even bots, isn’t messing up the game even more. Jagex is just being anal about what they pick to nerf while they leave everything else.
  18. No Botting is allowed either. We should add some code to the bot to detect if the account is an Ironman upon start up. If it is, close the script when it’s started. 100% serious mate. If you enjoy every aspect of the game except one thing then don’t do it. This is a game and meant to be fun. However, if you’re an Ironman you’re meant to stand alone so you’re a hypocrite for asking for help. If you’re not an Ironman then it doesn’t matter since you get help daily whenever you trade.
  19. RoomScape


    I don’t know when it is but instead of getting coins, you’ll get a pack of coins which take up an inventory slot. You have to stop and open each pack to get the gold, otherwise your inventory will be full and you can’t pitpocket anymore. Took me a week from 38 to get 99.
  20. Of course you’d say that because you’re a slut. Then don’t be an Ironman.
  21. Guys, I know this is spam but don’t spam man. This is serious stuff. You guys should be with me on this.
  22. We need to start a petition to ban services on ironmen accounts. Anyone who requests it gets a warning and repeated attempts warrants a ban. Same goes to those completing the service. We have to keep the integrity of OSRS ironmen. No excuse.
  23. It was only one week? He scammed you bro. Should’ve been one month but I bet that snake pocketed the difference. Can’t trust colored names man.
  24. More specifically, the ones who request services to be done on their accounts. Don’t ironmen stand alone? (Insert thinking emoji)
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