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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Leveling f2p stats first and it’s a waste to level in mem. Also need to do the f2p quests.
  2. That’s new. You used to be able to write in your appeal.
  3. Wrong section. Should go here: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/182-requests/
  4. I’m not risking my friends life over your filthy jokes.
  5. good luck with that. Yeah, good guy, lol. I like him.
  6. Not sure what you're talking about but ok.
  7. Got 12-60 cook, 20-48 mining and am training wc now until 60. Will finish off 60 mining and then do all F2P quests before I go for mem again as it's just kind of pointless. Yeah but jagex only really cares for p2p. That's how it's always been.
  8. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/dec/31/george-washingtons-views-political-parties-america/
  9. You guys are missing what I’m talking about. All drugs as far as I know are medicinal derivatives. I’m talking about the drugs sold on the streets. Those are not for medical use. It was halfway a joke. Also, what makes you think that I own a gun? This isn’t Germany. The police in America are brutal regardless. They’re using guns as an excuse but that’s just their mentality. While I’m aware that there are good cops, there’s a lot of bad and corrupt cops also and those are the ones I’m talking about. You can’t compare America to a lot of other countries and this topic wasn’t meant to compare America with other countries so please stop doing that. https://www.vox.com/cards/police-brutality-shootings-us/us-police-shootings-statistics if you want to compare read that. The majority of police killings are against unarmed civilians. The percentage of Americans that own guns are also low. Think it’s 20% or something. I don’t know about that. Wouldn’t necessarily be against it but who knows. I just think we need to have stricter gun laws background checks. So true. We just like to hide it instead of talking about it. Again, you can ban guns but only the law abiding citizens will get rid of it. The criminals and ones who got it illegally will not hand them over since they technically don’t own any. On top of that, there’s a large group of gun owners who would probably fight (literally) than to hand over their guns. But this is the perfect example to use for trying to get rid of guns. While I’m not condoning it or saying it’s good in any way, when it does happen it’s extremely rare and the deaths are low. But here’s another thing. Why do you think kids go to shoot up their old schools? There’s obviously something that happened to them there that people don’t ever bring up. The number of sex abuse that goes on in schools is frightening and the majority of it is never reported or found. Teachers raping students and students raping students. On top of the bullying that occurs at practically every school, it’s no surprise a student gets pissed and goes to shoot it up. The reason why it’s mainly males is because girls are weaker, mentally. They’ll do something small like commit suicide or just cry. Guys will get mad and go fight and it’s really not hard to get a gun due to the bs laws so they go for revenge. If you were bullied to the extreme or raped by teachers and no one was there to help you, wouldn’t you blame the entire school? I think that’s what happened more than anything.
  10. Tell me about his political party and his political views, then. You keep telling me he is without any proof whatsoever and you just repeat yourself. I can tell you’re indeed ignorant due to your replies of something you don’t know.
  11. Hah, that means it’ll cost even more to have people smuggle it. xD are guns illegal throughout the entirety of Europe? I thought it was just Britain or the UK. Illegal in Russia also? Damn.
  12. Ok so I just reread your initial comment and you’re taking what I said out of context. Theres an obvious difference between the drug Advil and the drug cocaine and methamphetamine which are both used as street drugs. I didn’t say to get rid of drugs for medicinal use, I was referring to the street drugs as that’s what was being mentioned. Also, going back to your previous comment, I am open minded and I like sharing different opinions. Just because I hear a different opinion doesn’t mean I agree with it. If you tell me your opinion and it’s factually wrong then I will disagree unless you point something out to me countering what I know. Contrary, if you tell me your opinion and I don’t agree with it, then I won’t agree with it just because you said so as it’s against my opinion. So unless you give me statements to back your opinion, I won’t just go along with you with anything you say. I like to hear the opinions of others, whether or not I agree with it. I just don’t like hearing factually incorrect opinions. But if you have an opinion then that’s your responsibility to prove me wrong so that I can potentially change my opinion. I’m not just going to change the way I think because some guy online (or any guy) tells me that they want me to think another way.
  13. Yeah I know. I just realized I didn’t put that in the last one and just typed it out. I know someone’s going to say the same thing again... Coke, opioids, meth... what good do those drugs do?
  14. Legal guns can be tracked. Any halfway competent criminal won’t buy/own a legal gun as if anything happens it can be tracked back to them. If you have a stolen/illegal one with the serial scratched off and something happens it can’t be tracked back to you should you drop it.
  15. Right but that’s their choice. At least let people have a choice. Don’t strip them of a choice then tell them it’s for their benefit. The people that choose not to have a gun or any weapon is completely because of their choice so they can’t complain should anything happen.
  16. I can tell that you’re not American by your replies. The consitution wasn’t made by politicians. I don’t know how else to tell you this. You’re not American and don’t know of American history yet you’re telling me about American history? I don’t get it. They’ll also do it regardless of whether they have a gun or not. Same here. I’ve been to eight states and lived in five. Never seen a gun in public nor have I seen anything like what is showed on the news. It’s just the media hyping things up and foreigners exaggerating things. Not saying stuff doesn’t happen but I think it’s just blown out of proportion. No good can co,e from drugs. Drugs affect ones mental state and can only worsen ones health. Guns, on the other hand, are completely different. Your reasoning doesn’t make sense.
  17. 1v1 me. I’m trying to take your bank and I have a gun while you have your hands. Hold me off until police arrive. Good luck.
  18. You need to be specific when you say something like that. If you aren't specific then you're making it seem like you're referring to my entire post.
  19. But people have guns and not tanks so why bring tanks into this? That's not a great comparison. No, the constitution was not made by politicians or corporate America. There are a number of other examples as well. They aren't. Banning guns will affect the law abiding citizens more. There will be criminals who don't even own guns legally - mostly - and will not be affected by the gun ban and then there will be people who will not give up their guns without dying first so that'll be a different issue.
  20. I mean, that's not a great argument but hey, it works. The police in the US are also more brutal and racist than others as far as I know. Wear a robe. This isn't Germany. Profiling 'potential' criminals is where you lost me.
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