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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. It would only be added upon the outcome of a successful scam report stating that the account has been recovered. Just claiming an account has been recovered, although it may have some merit to it, shouldn't necessarily be counted.
  2. We do a lot. Girls get periods monthly for about a week. When guys come around, we can affectively stop periods for a full 9 months. Girls can't stop it by them self, so we just come help them. And to think that some refuse our help even though they turn into monsters during those days. *thank you, God, for making me a guy*
  3. Someone said they got 300 something.
  4. How tf...? -.- And to think I can't pass 22. >.>
  5. Saw this before, but still funny. :p
  6. LOL xD Happy birthday. :p
  7. RoomScape


    Yeah, this will just flood the forums. If people can't go into the chat to ask a question they'll just go to forum support or community discussion and all make threads.
  8. Isn't there that big banner at the top of the forums letting you know if the bot is up or not? I'd say the post count requirement is a decent idea, but it may encourage spam on the forums.
  9. By trying to get rid of scammers?
  10. Really? I haven't been on sythe in forever. Last time I was on there I PM'd a mod a question and they haven't looked at my PM after a week. I would've added a Skype list, but it takes 2 minutes to make a new Skype so it'd just be pointless. Pp and account names are sufficient enough.
  11. Normally, there's not much we can do against account scammers. It's virtually impossible to stop them from recovering the account and users who are unaware of them end up getting scammed, unfortunately. The staff keeps coming up with restrictions trying to stop scammers dead in their tracks, but this can often prove to be extremely difficult. However, I have a suggestion that can affectively stop repeat scammers. With account selling scammers, I suggest there be made a blacklist thread in the accounts section. This thread will contain the LOG-IN name or e mail of every account recovered. It will publicly be displayed upon the closure of a scam report resulting with the decision that the seller has recovered the account, regardless of whether the money was refunded to the buyer or not. Although the display name (in game name) can be changed, the log in name can never be changed and is unique for every account. With that being implemented, giving that buyers actually read it, it can stop repeat scammers from selling and recovering the same account over and over again. I would also like to add an extra layer of security by having accounts verified (preferably by a staff member or someone with a verified transact or rank) that the account the person is selling hasn't been blacklisted. I'm not sure if this would help out so much, but it might. I can see users trying to take advantage of that and trying to scam saying the account is verified, but it's just a mini suggestion. My next suggestion would be to create a similar thread in the gold selling section with paypals that have chargedback in the past and have been proven guilty and the user banned in a valid scam report. If the above is implemented, and scammers continue scamming, we will shortly have a database of scammers and their accounts which we won't trade with. I know a new scammer can always come and scam, but with this list we can affectively cut out repeat scammers. Once someone gets banned for scamming, they will more than likely create another account to ban evade on to scam again. It's not really easy to catch a random ban evader and you never know how many there are, so this suggestion can prove very useful if action is taken. If this is accepted, all MM's should refer to the blacklisted accounts before continuing through the trade. This can prove to be a very beneficial aspect of the market. With that said, I'd like to hear your thoughts about it and any concerns you may have.
  12. OP, why must you do this? http://osbot.org/forum/topic/37084-
  13. Ooh, that doesn't look bad. Didn't think about changing the color. The orange was jumping out on this black theme.
  14. Apply for mod. I'd vote for you.
  15. I've been getting I subscribed from threads basically right away. It's threads in the 'site' part of the forums.
  16. It made it slower and jump lower (I don't know about the jump).
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