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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I meant scammers will sell it for higher prices and scam even more since they would have to make up for the money they lost having to purchase VIP. Verified ranks: http://osbot.org/forum/forum-122/announcement-10-verified-ranks/
  2. There's already a VMM PiP: Also, anyone should be able to sell accounts, not just VIP's... all that will do is make people purchase VIP and sell accounts for higher prices.
  3. You're killing your bodies. :|
  4. Where did MoorScape even come from?
  5. At least someone spells my name as RoomScape opposed to roomscape.
  6. I don't have an Android so I wouldn't know about it.
  7. I hear it's being taken down today from Apple's App Store.
  8. He can get Veteran! Wtf? He should get Veteran and give me that VIP. Greedy people...
  9. That shit was rigged. And it shouldn't matter if I posted 10 times, you should just count the original post and disregard any additional, so that logic is flawed.
  10. You cheated me out of VIP, so you don't talk.
  11. Why don't regular members get a 'Sexy' PiP instead of just • • • • •?
  12. Try here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/36093- :P
  13. I can see it without a problem.
  14. Exactly. They can always change their skype name, they can create a new account, they can change their IP but they can't change their log in name. We can stop them if we just record this one thing. To take it a step further, e mail jagex showing that they were selling their account. xD
  15. Mind giving me the number and letting him know I'll need his services?
  16. I find this highly racist. It's because I'm black, isn't it? Anyone know a good lawyer?
  17. I don't believe I saw a stated reason. I heard he got flamed a lot for the game (it's too hard?) so that may be one of the reasons. He's making 50k/day out of it, so it has to be a good reason. xD
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