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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/36871- Just so we're clear - as is everyone else - please state your love for me.
  2. How long before you level up?
  3. What are my responsibilities?
  4. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/36868-
  5. I never helped him, does that mean he hates me? But...he liked a post of mine, so I thought things were getting serious between us. ;(
  6. I had to go upstairs for something, gtfo. I thought about it first, so I win.
  7. Yeah, they introduced it a few days ago.
  8. I applied, didn't expect being accepted. xD
  9. I'll sell you mod for 75m. Although it's a higher rate, it's a higher chance at getting mod.
  10. I'm a black guy and you're a white guy in a suit. Pretty sure I can take you.
  11. It's been going down for a while and I requested a ban and they wouldn't even unban me immediately, so I'm just like f it. I'll ask for an unban later, but it's just stupid.
  12. You're Gaara from *looks around....whispers* over there?
  13. LOOOOL @ your avatar. Sorry about you getting scammed, though. :/

    1. Skinkelynet


      Yea i bet his mother was like the fucknig al kharid gate! xd

    2. RoomScape



      He wanted to use it but ran out of money so he had to scam you to get more money.

      O.O Damn...What a scam reason.

  14. You didn't say e-peen... Did Asuna show you that pic?
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