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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Go and try to do your normal activities without the use of your thumb. It's extremely hard.
  2. I've been in church a handful of times at best. Was it freezing outside?
  3. That's because you have a shit computer. The forums are fine for me... When it works. Recently, I've been experiencing server problems and have been unable to connect to the site at all. Other than that, it works normally for me.
  4. I doubt we'd be where we are today. Thumbs are like the second most important after our brain.
  5. I'm stuck in a parking lot. Dead tire and low on 'E'. Pretty sure AAA ran out so I'm may to have to pay for towing. Fml
  6. You said you wouldn't leak.
  7. That was some weird shit. I'm scared to read them... May get cancer.
  8. RFD was one of the funner quests of mine, along with DT. As long as you have money for items and not a shit account I can do.
  9. Yes, need one done? I want some gp.
  10. RoomScape


    Desleyddo That's his skype?
  11. RoomScape


    Really? Was it a specific IP or was it a Microsoft's IP? Some idiot said I was impostoring myself and gave microsoft IP's saying that's evidence.
  12. RoomScape


    Why's he banned? I don't think I saw a scam report...
  13. lol'd. That's not it, it's when two people have a bond together. It's like this intense moment of emotional desires that lead to a climax and give both people a high level of relief that's kind of indescribable. People are lonely, being on this forum and RS and all, so they need some time to be happy. Unfortunately, not everyone can find that 'special someone' in their area and it's quite annoying paying people since there's all sorts of STD's going around these days. People have since turned to bonds since it's a safer alternative. Bonds make two people closer together and stuff, kind of hard to explain, but it's pretty cool and worth it. OP, I hear people are selling bonds for a mill or something, so it's definitely worth it. If you're feeling lonely and underappreciated, get a bond with someone and you'll feel like you're Superman!
  14. I'm pretty sure clients are detectable. They can tell if you're using theirs or a 3rd part client. 3rd party clients include anything that's not from the rs site, which includes swift kit and Orion. People have been banned for using swiftkit, one kid right in the middle of making a video. But the irony is astonishing.
  15. Technically... Everyone is 10+...
  16. Someone already chose 69. xDPick another number, lmao.
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