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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I'm very offended. I'm going to cry every night until you know me.
  2. Trying to get e-fame? You obviously don't know who I am. Exactly. They don't know who I am!! xD I'm just posting this beause it made me lol, that's all. xD
  3. I still remember that day and I lol'd so hard.
  4. I post my skype name in this post, you add it. I end up scamming you and then editing my post removing my skype. You file a scam report on me, but since I edited my post there would be no way to prove that I posted saying to add that skype. Get what I'm saying?
  5. This was on another site. ;) Mods can see edit history there. It was perfect timing because we just got that ability like a day or two prior to this happening, LOOOL. I still remember that, ahh. Fun times.
  6. Exactly my thoughts. Although they do it anyway, it's always safer. In the market, I've seen people edit out their skype name in an attempt to try to scam. Although I could see their edit history, it's still funny how the user denied it saying they edited a typo. ;) It's just a safety thing for the market. I don't see the big problem with it, why not just proof read before you post?
  7. Ok, then tell me why isn't he unbanned.
  8. Add eliot to the list you lazy nubs.
  9. Add my skype. ;) Yesterday or the day before, if I remember correctly.
  10. RIP in peace, @Elysian/ No, not in Spam nor Forum Games.
  11. That dude had a f'ing glowing name, ffs!! Not even admins had that, of course he would have over a million views. The entire world was like: Omfg, this dude's name is glowing! Who tf is he to have his name glow?? I better check him out.
  12. I know I am, I'm asking because I see you guys with more than normal profile views. Did you think I meant me? My entire school - literally - called me Obama when I was in High School.
  13. Your avatar is making me feel uncomfortable.
  14. I first thought it was a glitch some people were using to get their profile views up, but some people have over 10k views and I find that hard to believe. Wtf is up with the system?
  15. RoomScape


    People actually do that...?
  16. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/2929-
  17. I know that, I meant how do you check the top liked members. I know there's content, but I don't know how to check the actual people who have the most.
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