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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Mistyped title. ._. @Staff, change 'ban' to 'man'.
  2. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/man-tries-sell-girlfriend-ebay-132110634.html
  3. Because you're not an oppressed black.
  4. You don't know what it's like to be in this position...the racism is absurd.
  5. y u no on skype

    1. Sex


      taking a shower and waiting for the walking dead to come on

    2. RoomScape


      I haven't watched that show in a few weeks. I probably should catch up.

  6. You expect a 'lawyer' that can't even post a picture correctly to win my case?
  7. Haha, ok. Guess more people would be annoyed from this. x]
  8. Do you not get on skype? O.o

    1. GoldenGates


      I'm actually scripting again for today, so I don't want to distract my self, sorry Moor.

    2. RoomScape


      MOOR!!! *Rages*

  9. Yeah, that doesn't even make much sense...
  10. How does someone get 17...?
  11. That's what that doorbell sound was? I legit got up a few times to answer my door before.
  12. Whenever someone enters the chatroom, a message would pop up saying 'so and so has entered the chat', or something along those lines. Same thing for when they leave, maybe?
  13. May vote for you. ;) OP, add this one!
  14. You joined exactly 3 months after I did...weird.
  15. I need to save that for later use.
  16. Are you black or racist?

    1. BawsZ


      im black homi

  17. Congratz! Be sure to kick Sex whenever you see him in there.

    1. Nick


      Thanks man, haha.

    2. Sex


      Wow.... I just seen this..... abuse wow.

    3. RoomScape
  18. That may be the case if cola didn't have all of those extra chemicals in it.
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