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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I remember being like 13and cursing out jagex and getting reported by wannabe mods all the time. The only thing that happened was a 24-48 hour mute each time. I had about 10 offenses on my account also. I really don’t think you got banned for criticizing the game when that happens daily already but who knows. I don’t fully know what’s going on so can’t talk much about it.
  2. That's not exactly you in your 'noob' days... It was probably @Only Nature I did the same thing but with mining ores.
  3. You do realize that in the T.O.S. of playing RuneScape, jagex put that everything in the game is their property and they are letting you use it for as long as you want. They also stated that since it's their property, they have the right to do whatever they want, whenever they want. Whether that be ban, mute, roll back, whatever. So while I do get your point, you already agreed to their T.O.S. when you created your account. You can't really cry about it now. You can try to post on social media to try and get it reversed but anything they do is because they want to and they have the right to since you already agreed to it when you made your account.
  4. If there are no black marks then it doesn’t matter as long as you aren’t insta banned upon loggin.
  5. Won’t be home for maybe 30 minutes.
  6. Added you on discord. I was on but just left and won’t be on until later
  7. I hopped off but will be back in 1-2 hours. Just let me know how much you bought it for and I’ll pay you. Omfg I love you so much. I have a 70m cash stack at the moment so whatever you can get for 70m I’ll buy. :d
  8. Can you guys help me buy diamond bolts? There’s an 11k limit in the GE every four hours which is real bad. They’re around 390-400 gp so it’s around 4m. If you can buy some from the GE to help me with the limit that’d be great. I don’t have multiple member accounts so trying to get a lot is real annoying.
  9. RoomScape


    You said obey mauler but I have no idea about accounts. I have only had a main (had a skiller also) and don't care about the pk'ing aspect of this so I ask about this since I'm a pk nub.
  10. I know you don’t believe you are which is why I told you that you are.
  11. You’re overthinking it man. If you want to buy gold buy it and put it on your account and move on. It’s not rocket science dude. If you’re starting a good site then that’s different but just throw it on your account and move on otherwise.
  12. 12m for quests providing you have 43 pray and/or 50 ish agility. Not interested in the slayer.
  13. Stats...? People want quotes but don’t provide info. ? this is a fighting and agility based quest. Can you post all of your combat stats plus your agility and thieving level? i could give a blind quote but that would be dependent on stats that I just don’t know so I don’t want to get to the end then say I can’t do it for that price.
  14. RoomScape


    Is def 1 since you didn’t include it? If so, I’ll do for 7.5m no need to buy items since I’d do that... pretty simple to do. Unless the account is an Ironman.
  15. Are you buying accounts with these completed on it or are you providing the account? if you’re providing the account then this is in the wrong section. Should go in services > requests. I’ll do for 3m if you have an account.
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