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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Rip more of a benefit to the admins and developers than him lol.
  2. Side benefit? What benefit did he get from giving away 13.5m?
  3. At least you're honest and admitting it unlike everyone else who says it's not fair. Life is life. If no one likes you then sucks to suck. It's ok, though.
  4. Because he’s a scammer. Why do you think? No one likes Chuckle. Not even his mom.
  5. You’re welcome. We’re you five? If not then wtf
  6. I read maple story and stopped. Don’t ever talk to me again.
  7. I really doubt they actively monitor it. It’s probbaly logged somewhere and only referenced if an account is flagged or reported or something. But all we can do is speculate lol. I normally don’t worry too much about the client because it really doesn’t matter. I used to play on a botting client legit just because the client was better than the official client. I was never banned even though I logged in almost daily for around two years. I’ve personally used a half dozen clients and haven’t been flagged but I don’t bot so that’s probably the reason why. The majority of botting is done in member worlds. If jagex starts IP banning bots it’ll cut into their already shrinking profits. On top of that, I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that they said there are situations where multiple people play on the same IP and just because one person bots doesn’t mean that the legit players that use that IP should be IP banned for no reason.
  8. They can detect whether you use the official client or not. Don’t think they can tell specifically what third party client you’re using, though. If they could they would just insta ban all logins from bots or just disable the option to login from the bot.
  9. Yeah man he’s white. You thought he was black or something?
  10. Haven’t played this in a while. send me an invite or skype me if I don’t reply when you’re ready.
  11. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/8-ball-pool/id543186831?mt=8 omce downloaded, add me. My user ID is: 115-885-381-9
  12. Is that even a profit to high alch? and I thought you meant items in general. But yeah, introducing new items that can be alched is killing the economy. The spell high alch is responsible for the majority of it lmfao.
  13. I meant all of the changes, not just the duel arena.
  14. I will if you have mobile app. I don’t think cross play between mobile and pc is a thing.
  15. I feel like the ‘integrity’ is just a bs term for fighting bots and making it harder for legit players. This stuff has been around forever and they’re not even making major changes. It’s just little stuff, but it’s enough to annoy legit players and different enough to make bots have to change slightly.
  16. Since a dispute has been opened I can no longer pay out until it’s closed and staff has decided what to do. It’s not between me or anyone as I’m just a MM and hold the money based on your agreements. Since this thread has been made that means that you two are having issues coming to an agreement so it’s up to staff to decide now based on your previous agreement and progress achieved.
  17. I tried to get @rsman515 to set a time frame. He was reluctant but chose two weeks solely because the accounts would be bonded. He didn't seem like time mattered but @Castro_ agreed and said that the accounts would be ready in two weeks. I tried to see if there was any penalty should the service elapse past the two weeks but the only thing mentioned was that @Castro_ would be responsible to bond the account past the initial two week point. Botting is allowed as per @rsman515 and so @Castro_ may very well be botting the account. The only restriction to botting was that @rsman515 didn't want any blackmarks on the account. Should a two day ban occur, a 50% refund would occur. I believe that @Castro_ wasn't able to finish this within the two weeks and to cut costs, is training in F2P so that he wouldn't have to pay a bond and since @rsman515 was so lax that he's just slowly training the account as the only penalty would require him to apply a bond on the account - which wouldn't really be necessary since he's training in F2P. Below is an outline of the trade. I can show screenshots of the Skype chat but that can get somewhat tedious with all of the extra, unnecessary reading. -----
  18. Yes, but that's not an actual service thread. That's just a one time thing which is a perfectly accepted example...unless you do this every other day then that will become an issue.
  19. You and I* If you look at my post on the last page, this was already agreed upon back in 2014. So not sure what discussion could take place since this was already accepted but just never enforced.
  20. Ok..I think you misread my post. I'm asking what real benefits this will have for the chatbox and why is it necessary to implement over the current system?
  21. I've created a number and never had any issues, though It hasn't been around a thousand.
  22. This is why I said we need mods in Market or specific market mods.
  23. I had another thread. It must have been off site. The thread I made here has the same concept. It got approved but they just wanted me to report the threads and they would fuse them..
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