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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Shouldn’t matter to you since you can’t sell accounts with less than 100 posts.
  2. RoomScape


    What are your combat stats? As are you but since he’s the one paying it really doesn’t matter if he’s grey, green, gold or rainbow. Also, no need to spam market threads with useless posts. If you want to do that then go to spam. There’s a place for everything and this isn’t it.
  3. There’s no point in the extra time spent to block your rsn since all accounts were getting banned regardless, lol. But they caught a few a few guys who had bills, mostly stakers.
  4. The amount of people who raged. Might be faked but can be legit.
  5. Wasn’t on this site and was like 8+ years ago but the guy had feedback and a then big service thread and everything.
  6. Man, forget that. I paid a deposit when I first started out and the idiot scammed me and I was a noob and didn't have proof and everyone turned on me calling me a scammer and trying to frame the stupid scammer. I just went solo. It really is rough starting out but once you get past that it gets a whole lot easier.
  7. Talking with you two at the moment.
  8. Because they’re stupid. I personally had someone goodfarm on my account back then.
  9. The office was a good show. I don’t watch tv though so I can’t really recommend anything.
  10. Be careful with this man. Too many good scammers out there. Try to use cryptocurrency instead of PP as PP can be chargeback fairly easily and if you don't know how to fight it you'll more than likely lose it.
  11. 90m, depending on stats lower stats will up the price. 1 week. Edit: price doesn’t include shades of mortton
  12. 7m for the quests. Not interested in the NMZ.
  13. Can do all but the mage arena. If that’s not an issue let me know and I’ll give a price. I never did MM2 but wouldn’t mind giving it a shot. What are your cb (all) and agility level?
  14. I can do rogues if someone else does stats. But if you only want one person then never mind.
  15. RoomScape


    I realize that. I'm getting more xp now than I was with the set so I took it off. Using a whip and drag def instead of the set. But when I went to NMZ and stronghold, I used the exact same gear - full obby set, obby sword, necklace, ring, ardy cape, eth. Nothing was changed with my actual set up but the xp changed.
  16. I think you're thinking about the police. No where does it say mods are here to 'protect and serve'. :x rip your picture bro.
  17. I’m pretty sure they have multiple accounts but I don’t know. I also doubt they sell bills to one person. Think most of their sales are small, but again... idk about gold sites.
  18. I guess they could but selling in small quantities gets annoying real quick. Staking can work but requires the other person to stake money also. Why would I stake you for 500m+ when you stake 0? Unless they did something to give the other person an advantage I don’t see thisnworkinout. Also, most streamers are maxed so staking isn’t very viable against the average noob. Drop parties are iffy. If you do a drop party you want to verify the person received the gp. You can’t do that with a drop party unless you directly trade them because otherwise they can always say they never received it and there’s no way for you to know.
  19. Streamers are a whole lot more obvious and get more attention. Plus, a high value trade would set off the RWT detectors and flag the accounts. People giving one another 100m or so wouldn’t mean much as that’s what friends give one another all the time. If I went to sell a few bill, though, that would set off some flags for the automated system. So so while they can sell gp at lower levels, they would probably do it in the billions as millions is low for their scale and they would be caught almost instantly. Especially considering that if they did sell it that they’d more than likely sell it to a site instead of just a random user and that would be easy to tell once they look into it. Jagex can see see a lot of info in their game but they’re either understaffed or just retarded to not decipher it. It’s really obvious when people are account sharing and fairly easy to tell when people rwt, especially if it’s a bot site, but they don’t seem like they’re having issues.
  20. Pretty sure I posted o this already. But they can’t just straight up RWT or they’ll get insta banned. Some streamers do it and get banned right away but they go out with like 40b or something. They can do giveaways and stuff like other people mentioned but I don’t know how many they do. Most stuff are drop parties and not direct fades from what I see.
  21. RoomScape


    Lol I’m 70/65/60 getting 55k hr at the stronghold. I went to NMZ and was getting bad xp/hr also Helm of neit fury obby chest and legs abby dagger and drag def regen brace, d boots and berserker ring.
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