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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. RoomScape


    I told you I banned you... You sent me a screamer. <_<
  2. It won't be an actual time limit that stops you from leaving fb, it'll just be so that if the same person leaves you two fb in x amount of time, one of them will be removed. If that's true, why even have fb? Just have a thread stating how much you've traded and stuff. Limiting it to 50 fb would be completely pointless. Everyone knows quality > quantity, but quantity also relates to experience and determination since you're doing it over and over instead of just a few times and then stopping.
  3. It should be under News and Announcements or News and Announcements > Site. It's currently under community discussion which I wouldn't honestly look for if I didn't know it was there. Having it up there may be ok, but I don't know.
  4. Yeah. It's a bit confusing to find. Why not just have a stickied thread in the mm section, services section and the gold section letting people know of the verified ranks that's available should you meet the requirements? It's currently in the community discussion section along with being in the market under an announcement made by @Smart. Maybe if it was a stickied thread in the appropriate sections, people wouldn't ask about it so much. I've had a couple of people ask me about where it is and how to get it already, lol.
  5. This has been fixed up a bit. It can be archived. ^_^
  6. This has been implemented. It can be archived.
  7. This has been implemented. Can be archived.
  8. Moderate it how? People can just do continuous trades since there's no time limit.
  9. Which one do you have? Can you maybe link me to it on amazon?
  10. I see this so much and I can put names on some of them. I don't know, just made me laugh. xD!!!'Because talking shit in person is too dangerous' lololololol
  11. So true, LOOOL!! Gave me As nice laugh. xD!!!
  12. Then it's completely quiet afterwards? Does it make another sound when you take your phone off?
  13. I believe you're talking about the scripting section, I'm talking about the market section. They're a bit different.
  14. I wrote a lot more than just that, but yeah. Why not.
  15. It's like a pad and you put your device on it (literally lay it down like you'd pay it down on your bed) and it will start charging. You don't have to plug it into a cord or anything, although the charger itself must be plugged into a charging source. Uhh, an annoying sound or what? I want it beside my bed so I can charge my nexus before going to sleep. It'd be annoying if I couldn't sleep due to the sound, although I can pretty much sleep through anything, lol.
  16. Thinking of getting one and I'm just wondering if anyone here has one. It seems pretty awesome and my Nexus 7 has a wireless charging capability.
  17. I use it on a daily basis and see a couple of imperfections that I thought needed to be mentioned. :p
  18. We need a bit of work done in the market, in my opinion. I think we should also probably have a Market Mod. Maybe they can have same powers as Global, just only in market section. It would help out in there since that's a pretty active part of the forum. Let me know what you guys think. I also suggest you look at this thread since it pertains to feedback.
  19. Then after the account gets recovered and you come complaining to me then I say I bought it off someone else. Feedback isn't everything and I wouldn't recommend trusting someone purely off their feedback count. It doesn't amount to trust, just how many trades someone has complated. Then after the account gets recovered and you come complaining to me then I say I bought it off someone else. Feedback isn't everything and I wouldn't recommend trusting someone purely off their feedback count. It doesn't amount to trust, just how many trades someone has complated.
  20. Aw shucks. :blush:

  21. Depending on the situation and circumstances, I'd say yes. (So long as he's original owner or has proof he bought it from someone else)
  22. If I sell you an account and don't accept PP from you and only 07, would you say I deserve TWC?
  23. I can sell you Sponsor for GP. You can buy GP from someone and give me gp. :p You can renew payments with credit.
  24. It actually is, I just forgot to post fixing it. (My time was still off, since it was just changed to compensate for the difference, so I had to change it myself. I'm assuming the same should be true for the others that had their time changed).
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