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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. You completely took out of context my reply from your quote. You said service providers don’t post saying you must like my post and all this stuff. Min reality, they say you must give me feedback, which is in the majority of ToS that I read. I thought you would know this.
  2. It’s fine man. I’m mad he’s more liked than me this week but I admit it. No need to hide it inside and boil with rage. Just admit it and move on. @D Bolter I will get you back for this you conniving little shit.
  3. Because likes and feedback are so different.
  4. He’s cheating!! This should warrant a ban, right? Right??
  5. https://secure.jagex.com/m=weblogin/g=runescape/cant_log_in#_ga=2.163145404.1041081296.1531622056-1865865689.1522593092
  6. He’s a noob and I am not so ye. Plus he’s a little scaredy cat man come on. I don’t go first plus I need proof. A picture will suffice.
  7. Wtf this is not a gratz topic This is a sabotage I need to get rid of this fag called @D Bolter. Anyone here a hitman?
  8. lol i wouldn't be mad if this were my account. Sucks that it's not yours. Seen one dude turn in like almost 50 or 100 capes before he got the pet.
  9. 10m without cape. Also,Wong section. https://osbot.org/forum/forum/182-requests/
  10. Interesting avatar you have there. 

    1. Hydra


      Thanks bud lol

  11. Woah wtf you can do this but not for my account? I’ve been scammed.
  12. Ok so now you are potato unverasble.
  13. I find this highly offensive how dare you talk about salads like that? How would you feel if I called you s potato? Huh? Got damn potato unversable. Don’t like that, do you?
  14. I wouldn't mind talking about a price if you want to Skype. Don't have a set price but wouldn't mind matching any reasonable price. 300m would be awesome if you want to pay it but I think it's a bit high for cooking.
  15. Because we need some content. And I also didn't realize someone else was mod.
  16. 10m for the quests. Not interested in skilling.
  17. Wouldn't mind doing this but not sure on price. Do you need it done as fast as possible or are you ok with it taking a bit? Would affect the price.
  18. 10m Location: USA Don't think it matters too much with questing, though.
  19. As am I that you can’t differentiate between sarcasm.
  20. Exactly! My customer service skills are impeccable and my professional skills are through the roof. I wear a suit whenever I PM people and have things completed on the specified time or earlier. I’ve met thousands of people and done thousands more in trades and have had to adjust my personality slightly for each trade. I’m not fake, I’m just a salesman and so I need to make my customer happy, thus amazing customer service skills.
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