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Everything posted by mond

  1. hey. can i have a trial please? thanks never tried motherlode, is it good with only 41 mining?
  2. mond

    Stealth Quester

    just bought the script. did plague city and biohazard, great script so far if u can add the quest fremmenik trials is will be great. hate this quest so much...
  3. doing high alch atm, if im setting the reacion time to 50 ms as said is it less safe?
  4. nvm, just bought it. hope it will work good. by the way, i tried to get a trial of perfect miner for a few days, are u still giving trials or u stopped it? thanks
  5. is it working good with mirror mode?
  6. thanks. what is the safest way to high alch? botting or autocliking? any good autoclickers?
  7. i dont know nothing about scripting. im considiring buying the script but need to know first, how can i make a good antiban for my scripts? simple scripts wont get banned very quick?
  8. mond


    couldnt undrestand what exectly this script doing? can u explain please?
  9. hey. how much is party room bot will cost me? without hopping worlds, just pop baloons and bank when full.
  10. used it for 7 hours straight and got 2 days ban. atleast got my 85 magic before banned tyvm for script. can anyone send me a name of good auto cliker? thanks
  11. What is the best way to bot magic? is high alching safe? any other methods?
  12. too low mining lvl thanks anyway
  13. How can i tranfer money to my mule without getting banned? tried to trade in the past and he got banned with all of the money...
  14. agility over night is a certain ban...
  15. hey. i didnt purchased the script or asked for trial and i still have it. maybe u gave it to me insteed of someone else?
  16. try to post here https://osbot.org/forum/forum/182-requests/
  17. are u still looking to buy?
  18. mond

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    just got banned after 1 hour using stealing men on mirror mode. it was a rather new account. is a new account have more chance to get banned?
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