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Everything posted by mond

  1. mond


    thanks all
  2. mond


    Someone knows if nmz have high ban rate? im intending to use stealth nmz script. is it a good script?
  3. Defence quested. hm is it worth? have 2 days ban.
  4. mond

    Stealth Quester

    [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:18 AM]: Running quests in the following order #1 Rfd Ogre Subquest settings:{FOOD=Lobster, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, STYLE=0, SPELL=0} Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:18 AM]: starting stamina potion thread [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:18 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3487, z=0]; next: Rfd Ogre Subquest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:18 AM]: started in normal mode [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:18 AM]: computing item requirements [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:18 AM]: required items [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:18 AM]: 4 Raw chompy 100 Ogre arrow 8 Lobster 1 Ring of dueling(8) 2 Lumbridge teleport 1 Bronze pickaxe 1 Tinderbox 1 Iron spit 1 Logs 1 Amulet of glory(6) 1 Ball of wool 1 Falador teleport 1 Bronze axe [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:19 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3487, z=0]; next: Rfd Ogre Subquest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:19 AM]: started in normal mode [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:19 AM]: loading owned items [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:19 AM]: setting banking context [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:19 AM]: opening bank [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:21 AM]: success [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:23 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Rfd Ogre Subquest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:23 AM]: started in normal mode [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:23 AM]: loading owned items [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:24 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Rfd Ogre Subquest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:24 AM]: started in normal mode [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:24 AM]: computing item difference [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:24 AM]: missing items [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:24 AM]: [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:25 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Rfd Ogre Subquest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:25 AM]: started in normal mode [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:25 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Rfd Ogre Subquest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:25 AM]: starting quest: Rfd Ogre Subquest; current stage: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:25 AM]: starting eating thread [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:25 AM]: eating thread started [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: position: [x=3167, y=3488, z=0]; next: Rfd Ogre Subquest; queue: 1; member: true; mirror: true; input: false, resized: false [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: starting quest: Rfd Ogre Subquest; current stage: 0 [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: gear preset: [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: using attack style: FIRST [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: using spell: none [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: using ammo: none [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: failed to find item amount: 1 Ogre bow [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester... [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: Running quests in the following order #1 Rfd Ogre Subquest settings:{FOOD=Lobster, DEBUG MODE=false, IRON MAN=false, STAMINA POTIONS=true, STYLE=0, SPELL=0} Selected gear, attack style, spell and rewards are displayed next to each quests above [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited! [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: withdrawing necessary item: 1 Ring of dueling(8) [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: failed to withdraw necessary item: 1 Ring of dueling(8) [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: withdrawing necessary item: 8 Lobster [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: failed to withdraw necessary item: 8 Lobster [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: withdrawing necessary item: 2 Lumbridge teleport [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: failed to withdraw necessary item: 2 Lumbridge teleport [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: withdrawing necessary item: 1 Tinderbox [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: failed to withdraw necessary item: 1 Tinderbox [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:26 AM]: eating thread exited [INFO][Bot #1][05/18 10:32:27 AM]: stamina potion thread exited
  5. can u pm me name please? couldnt find.. ty
  6. but autoclicking is less random, cliking every x ms on same spot..
  7. mond

    Stealth Quester

    hey. 3 problems. X marks the spot was my last quest, just stood there and didnt use the xp lamp for 3 hours (i wia skill), script still ran so it didnt log out either.. Rfd ogre subquest just buying the items and stopping the script. sheep shareer strated the chat over and over again. using mirror mode
  8. the account just got temp ban, ill see if needed later... thanks anyway
  9. hey. need the quest the fremennik trials. how much will it cost? ty
  10. hey. can i get a trial please? tyvm. u r doing great job
  11. mond

    Stealth Quester

    no. just found it in the tree trying to go down the trapdoor
  12. mond

    Stealth Quester

    hey. in the grand tree after the bot killed the demon he came up the ladder and went to the tree and tried to go down the trapdoor insteed of going forward in the cave. using mirror mode if it matters. thanks
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