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Posts posted by boozer

  1. 3 accounts banned and unfortunately was botting my mains agility during the banning time on my accounts. lost 80m x.x starting new accounts, some for profitable bot farm and one that advances the most will become a new main. 

    so some questions occur.

    First off: should i change ip first

    2: which skills are highest banrate so i know which to do first before wasting monies on bond

    3. if anyone has decent staking experience, what would be goals for a good staking acc around 60-70 cb

  2. 3 banned 2 were hunters and one was just doing agility(believe it got banned since online when others were cus the ban was "macroing (major)" on all rather than bots


    all 3 were mems the one acc not banned is my f2p acc but i also wasn't botting it at time of bans

  3. 2 hours ago, Czar said:

    @boozer did you make sure cannon was in inventory before choosing the cannon tile? After cannon was initially setup, did you make sure your player was standing near the cannon at all times? Please let me know if there are any errors in the console log. I am curious to see if cannon mode was setup properly or not. If it was, and if the cannon is being reloaded at least two times, tell me. I will be testing it ASAP.

    As for breaks, I coded it so it returns to a safe area/bank before the breaks kick in. Should I make it an option? Should I also make it an option as to when to actually go the safe spot? I was thinking of adding a condition of what to do when breaks are about to enter. Perhaps add a list of options such as go to bank, or go to a new area, or log out, stop script, reload on supplies. Need some ideas and feedback please! :D 

    trial ended, yes i was near it at all times actually set to fight alongside and changed reload number both up and down. would reload once maybe twice then wouldn't do anything except fight and i had over 1k cannonballs

  4. On ‎12‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 5:34 PM, DontGetBanned said:

    Hey, just bought the script.... so when alching it only does the inventory then logs out? It doesn't bank and continue?

    supposed to note the items man, in bank look at bottom center click note then withdraw then go about starting your bot as normal


  5. so lost on how to start this? have the tiles selected and all but he still standing there. anyone have a detailed startup for this


    edit:nvm my dumbass figured it out lol thanks

    goin to pm u tho


    • Like 1
  6. 6adb7631dfa37a3d1d03ff2118eaeb0b.png

    Decided to make new acc yesterday to bot 90% of time for some money return. made last night starting at lvl 1, it did museum then went to town on hunting! works great almost time for chins and all it took was me getting some decent sleep lol

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, El Dingus said:

    Wait ya, so is it godlars that just won, or did I win too?


    cant tell, hes not vip yet either but idk why he added our names as well if didn't win?

  8. Phenomenal script. made 2m on my main as well as 50 hunter levels during the 24 hr trial (23 to 70) currently averages 280k/hr profit off the chins. 

    Purchased already since my trial ended a few hours ago. looked through all the bots and must say this one is the one i HAD to purchase. also won the vip giveaway on the forum so hopefully get that soon and ill bot some fresh accs for some ez side money <3

    • Like 1
  9. 19 hours ago, Czar said:

    A small patch was added for npc contact, a few other patches are being posted today for some improvements to the script :D 

    when the logging issue is fixed may i have a 2-3 hour trial to test again and see if stable enough i can purchase, I'm trying to bot my mains rc'ing due to $ and very slow skill to do in general ;-;

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Jacksonpm23 said:

    Any remote guesses on the ban rate for the master/rusher function of the script?

    Master: minimal to none; rusher/bot:probably a medium ban rate, would most likely be if being reported, no stats or anything boosted and the bot has multiple pathing options so shouldn't be E X A C T same path so should be fine man just make sure rusher isn't a high value account

  11. well trial ran out but this script is going to be absolutely amazing when kinks get worked out. will gladly purchase when in a more stable state and if you need someone to help find bugs and such lemme know I can run multiple scenarios in my free time 


  12. ran perfect for 15 min. however after that it did the teles as soon as clicked my mounted glory it pulled up logout screen as soon as edge popped up it logged


    another occurance less than 3 inventories later. any kind of log or anything I can pull up to send you for the error

    ran a few more times over past couple hours:

    still having same outcome but sometimes runs 2 min sometimes 20-30 then will always log itself out. 

    may I ask what parameters you have that it auto logs when x happens



    another bug I found is in the bank it will usually fill my pouches rebank withdraw the essence then sit there with the moue in bottom left of bank gui (script interface says bank stage and rotates through the stages numberwise but doesn't do anything)then I have to manually exit and resume script or even restart script

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