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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. ill make a sick one right now, give me a min
  2. wait, what is he sorry for
  3. can i get it changed to PST
  4. jesus, just earn gp the easy way, bot.
  5. i dont know how to feel about that OFT: What has osbot gotten into ;(
  6. everyone on this site is 18, so idk what your talking about
  7. put a CC or a Bank account on your PAypal, you need one or the other to send money if you are under 18 and dont have a debit have your mom make a paypal and make a student account, they will send you a debit, and if shes verified you're verified
  8. sobe hard plastic bottle, sodering iron, poke a nice symmetrical hole in it, then stick a pen that fits in it, and put a socket wrench on the top
  9. Nicholas


    he looks like hes 20ish, so idk about being 200-2014
  10. third time someones posted about this, man Jews B Jewing
  11. Nicholas


    i did that back in july
  12. i've been sponsor and VIP i've basically always have had a colored name no leach for me
  13. no i dont, i swear, im glad only the few, the proud, the veterans have it
  14. it should not get extended again, this is supposed to be a rare rank, that only a few have im not just saying that because i have it
  15. Nicholas


    LMFAO! the managers face when he sees that it said cabbages as a req, to bad those are automated which is stupid
  16. easy , intervals is how long you bot, break timer is how long you break, and deviation is (lets say 25) your break timer could be +25 or -25 minutes less than you put intervals = 359 minutes botting interval deviation = +/- 37, so could be anywhere from 322-396 ect
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