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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Nicholas


    I'm gonna go jump off of a bridge now.
  2. That's one reason why I applied. I'm always on when no other mod is online.
  3. Starting on monday! Which recording software should I use Please follow this topic so I know whether or not to keep going
  4. Do I woodcut no. Will I buy it yes.
  5. Lol I can make a fetching script for you when j get home. No anti ban but it'll work
  6. Thank you Anne. But he's not gonna refund. He knows the process really well. Meaning he has probably done this before on this site. He has insite and knows enough for me to say, he's just gonna hop on the VPN and come back.
  7. As of right now, he doesn't know what to do. Just stated he will DoX us and pis it on bicker forums. Will post picks when I get home. The other user just recovered his account. And now sda probably doesn't know what to do. So he's making threats that I'm 99% sure he can't do.
  8. More news. He keeps claiming we where in his email but can provide no proof.
  9. He means stuff like your mothers maiden name, the name of your first pet, the first street address you lived on, your fathers middle name. Stuff like that (I'm kidding)
  10. hi little boy want some candy
  11. 25m for a username??? Wth... Does it have any stars
  12. http://gyazo.com/8c005be6dbe87953f786ca77a2b354f7 http://gyazo.com/eab7c1f1225e6356886244d10f3885d0
  13. http://gyazo.com/fe4989a0a28ea86959cbc972710cb647 http://gyazo.com/cbf840311efe7db33e0daf8e87827383
  14. Before reading take note of this, i am doing a service and I mm for a friend. HE bought an account off of sdaehrevo. now, i logged in to do the service and i get the account log screen http://gyazo.com/f956aa924eb44d5d5fd8cb7c460f888f This is just so users are aware and maybe a mod/admin can Put him with TWC. as he sells accounts USERS BEWARE
  15. http://gyazo.com/5afd883bb9616c65d50711016e49832c http://gyazo.com/6d013e56afa8faf4a21641b35678f7bc @7331337 hes posting links that look like push, then they download something on your computer.
  16. hey! i need to make bulk emails anyone know a program/website that will bulk create them. my buddy was able to give me 50 that went nick1 nick2 ect but they all got banned lmfao please let me know/pm/chat me about anything you might know
  17. I did too and that fixed it
  18. i gotcha, okay look, go to any script, proceed like your gonna buy it, go to shopping cart then at the top it should say client area. from there you click renewal and it should be there if you need further asst. im on chat just pm me there
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