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Scripter II
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Everything posted by dreameo

  1. You can setup a http server, create a connection between client and server and then do db stuff via server.
  2. You can make your own sleep method by utilizing a Timer class.
  3. Could try something like this: !Client.isLoggedIn() { notify }
  4. Had this small problem myself and found a fix. The event is blocking. The LoginResponseCodeListener is delayed because of this by a minute or so. set the loginEvent to async and it'll solve that problem.
  5. Just keep track # of runes and divide them all by rune needed per spell, before casting, make sure each rune divided by runeUsage >= 1. decrement runes by each spell.
  6. yea bbg, I meant Logger logger; private Logger() {} Private Mp mp; public initLog(Mp mp) { if(logger == null) logger = new Logger() logger.mp = mp; } . . . Singleton op (somfin like dat)
  7. Logger logger = new Logger(); logger.m = m; edit: im thinkin more singleton but urs is fine ;)
  8. Look at total skill level, whenever it changes, you've leveled up.
  9. Yes, JSON takes minutes to pick up. Plus, you would need to download a library to make good use of it in Java I believe. Not sure why you would want to parse through a string and do string operations to get value from x item. Serialize hash map would be a one time thing to save the file. Read it each time and instantly get the value from key.
  10. Use a hashmap. Heres how to serialize: https://beginnersbook.com/2013/12/how-to-serialize-hashmap-in-java/
  11. ofcourse you read the api but cant read about control flow -.-
  12. Read the API and if it doesn't help you out, just have a separate file were you can test behavior of certain methods.
  13. lol not like that, i meant code to right click an item to open menuIndex, delay, then interact with menuIndex
  14. Hmmm.. not sure if you can change mouse speed via api. However, you can make your own interact method of right clicking item and then interacting with the action
  15. try sleep untill my player is animating. (for the fire interact part) What you have, sleep untill inv does not contain raw,// always returns true edit: the way you have it set up, it returns true always, that's why its spamming I think that'll work, if not, rip
  16. Hmm.. not sure if true but I've heard a couple of times that I/O is blocked by the client.
  17. This would just get any glory, he's looking to prioritize getting glories with the lowest charge (1),(2)...(n)
  18. // assuming bank is open because needGlory is true String[] glorys = [...] if(getBank().isOpen) { for(String glory : glorys) { if(getBank().contains(glory) { if(getBank().withdraw(glory, 1) { cond sleep // inv contains glory break; // exit loop since we have item // needGlory should be false now } { } // script should exit here since bank contains no glory stop(true); } Not tested, insert the condition sleep, (maybe few syntax errors idk, just wrote it here)
  19. zz Just use a for loop, if need glory and bank open iterate through the glory strings (1,...6) if has glory, withdraw (cond sleep) if inv contains a glory, break the for loop need glory bool should be flase now
  20. The string values for interact changed behind the scenes. You gotta find out the new string value of the interact from tooltip.
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