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Everything posted by HoneyDewBubbleT

  1. Personally, I would never buy a "main account" from someone else. Rather bot and make my own. But I do see some sense in buying/selling accounts for specific purposes e.g. max stake account, zulrah account, pking account, etc. Kind of those use and toss accounts? Meh.
  2. 3rd Update (Two sessions combined)! Account #1 is ahead by one quest: Mountain Daughter. The past two updates have been for each session of botting I did but for this third update, I combined two sessions since I wasn’t getting much action. I trained ranged nonstop until I got it to 50-52 (didn’t stop immediately at 50 because I was lazy with setting up arguments for the script and just ran it). Once I got my range up, I threw in a 1hr and 30 minutes of agility session before sending it to the sand crabs. I stayed at sandcrab for 6 hours nonstop before logging out. For my second session of gameplay, I stayed at sandcrab because I was already there and got the account to 66 range. I’m going to send it to do another 1hr and 30 minute of agility before restocking on mithril darts and heading back to sand crabs. Account #2 didn’t do Mountain Daughter yet, will be doing it eventually later. Like Account #1, it trained range to 50-52, agility, then Sand Crabs x2, and is currently on agility while I’m typing this up. As I promised here are my screenshots of my progress! Happy new years y'all!
  3. 2nd Update! Account #1 is still ahead. In this session, I took a huge risk and botted agility for two hours straight non-stop. After reaching 30 agility, I did two quest: Mountain Daughter and Animal Magnetism. Even though the quests were botted, it was painful to watch it take so long. I did Mountain Daughter first, then I trained my slayer to lvl 18 and stopped exactly at 18 without finishing the task because I was impatient AF and got crafting to 19 before doing Animal Magnetism. Once I was done with AM, I began to train range and prep the account for sandcrabs. Out of everything I did, the only thing I’m worried about is the agility as agility is the easiest to get banned from. Hopefully I last through the night! Account #2 is playing the catch up game. First thing I did was get 1-55 magic. Then I botted agility to 30 as well before doing the same two quests that Account #1 did. ATM it’s finishing up Animal magnetism and will shortly be joining Account #1 preparing for sandcrabs! TLDR: Two quests, Animal Magnetism and Mountain Daughter. Both long AF. Requirements for AM was pain in the ass. Botted agility to 30 in one go. Hope I don’t get banned. Like usual, I don’t take pussy breaks. Another long 6hr+ session of botplay. note: I'm monitoring my accounts on and off when it's doing quest related activities since quest scripts aren't 100% flawless. I do let the bot run unattended 2-3 hours when training skills such as range and magic. Will try to include screenshots in the next update. Sorry guys, I mean to but every time im posting this it ends up being 4am in the morning and tired & laxy AF. Don't want to accidently slip in IGNs or some other silly mistake.
  4. @Sikkunt Aaron Nice question, thanks for asking! It gives me a nice chunk of combat exp and gives access to rune pl8 body as well as d'hide bodies that I will be using later down the road. Also, I have a script for it so why not run it?
  5. 1st Update! Account #1 got a couple hours head start. Botted 1-55 magic nonstop. Splashed from lvl 1- 45 and spammed Camelot teleport until 55. After magic, completed some quests: Doric’s Quest, Ernest the chicken, Goblin Diplomacy, Imp Catcher, The Restless Ghost, Sheep Shearer, Witch’s Potion, Druidic Ritual, Dwarf Cannon, and the Waterfall quests. 10 quests, no breaks. Right after the completion of Waterfall, I trained Defense to 30 so I can complete other quests easier. Doing a lot of quests early because I need to unlock Canafis for agility training which I will do later. Once I got to 30 Defense, I trained my WC to 35 to prep ahead for Animal magnetism. After hitting 35 WC, I did Prince Ali Rescue (for QP for DSlayer) and two quests for Combat exp: Vampire slayer and witch’s house. Threw in Priest in Peril as well for preparation for Animal magnetism. I miscalculated my QP and was 1 short (had 31, need 32 for Dlsayer) so I did Tree Gnome before proceeding to do Dslayer. Account #2 did everything account #1 did except it didn’t train 1-55 magic at the start and it died doing Tree Gnome so I rage quit. Will be doing TG and Dslayer as soon as possible when I wake up. TLDR: 15 quests with training here and there. No breaks, good 6+ hours of botting.
  6. Hey guys! I'm starting my own thread on making zulrah accounts purely botted (except the quests not supported by the scripts). My goal is to end with four zulrah accounts total, working on two accounts at a time. I'm shooting for 85 range/magic with full void. What sets me apart from all the other road to max purely botted, making zulrah accounts purely botted, etc and why should you follow my thread?! 1. I'm an experienced botter that has been botting for OVER A YEAR >.<! Jk I've been botting on and off since high school so it's been about 8 years now that I'm about to graduate from my Uni this summer. 2. I have a wide range of scripts from numerous botting sites that I use for varying tasks. Every site has their own unique, really good scripts. I won't be disclosing what scripts I use since I don't want to be advertising other sites. I do have to mention that imo, out of all the sites, OSBOT has the best support and is the most active community compared to other sites. I love it. Hence the reason I'm starting the journey here. 3. Although I'm not experience in mass/suicide bot farm, I'm experienced in botting semi-main accounts with total levels ranging from 1200-1500. I know how to get banned... at a slower rate. 4. *TBD* I will be randomly selecting one user that have been actively following this thread and offer one of the zulrah accounts at a significantly discounted price. Again, TBD. 5. I will be informative as possible so that you may gain something out of this journey, replicate the success and avoid the mistakes. I will be going be detailed in what/how I train and the duration I am training it for but as mentioned before, I won't reveal the scripts I'm using on this thread. Shoot me a PM and donate via PayPal. Maybe I'll talk. Maybe. Also, if there's a scripter who'd be interested in making a private zulrah script for me once these accounts are completed, shoot me a pm! *If you have any questions, concerns, advice PLEASE let me know!* Here we go~
  7. Jagex stepped up their game so you have a chance getting banned even with paid one. Nowadays, it's 80% how you bot and 20% script assuming the script doesn't have any flaws. In the end, I'd recommend paid over free. As always, never bot on an account you don't want to lose.
  8. @Token Do you ever plan on adding the f2p dragon slayer quest? Debating on buying a quest script on poopbot just for that one quest, but that script has significant less amount of quests than yours
  9. thx, adjusted, running 3 quests for him with script for a mil for fb :P Plague city, tree gnome, and lost city.
  10. me neither, could you link us to this rule? I thought people could view the feedback e.g. Did quest for me for 500k etc.
  11. Hey man TWC is nothing to be mad about, I have it too. Just think of it as a free forums badge rank that's bright and shiny huehue. Watch out guys! I'm dangerous XD
  12. Pp only. Going first for trusted only.
  13. Looking to buy it between .85-.90/mil will take the best offer given. Will only go first for trusted otherwise middleman.
  14. 43 prayer stats good enough to the quest without difficulty. Post your prices here. Got a good offer already, please close this thread!
  15. In two months i've seen the price drop from .95mil to .85. Now people are trying to lowball for .80. I don't bot to make money(i mainly purchase gold tbh) so i'm just asking out of pure curiosity, gold sellers why are you guys decreasing the price so much? Are there less demands? Are you lowering the price to bring in more customers? Aren't you guys cutting yourself short? If all the gold sellers uniformly agree to hold the gold standard at 1mil = 1usd, is there need to adjust for the economy fluctuation?
  16. Buying NMZ ready accounts. Primarily trusted, if not I will only buy the accounts if there is no e-mail attached to it or if you provide the email with it.
  17. I like to be efficient but i hate resource gathering so I just buy the logs. Skip partially and feel a little guilty about myself but happy at the same time haha.
  18. 20 mil if unregistered email or if it comes with email!
  19. fletch your own bows and knock out fletching + magic
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